Posts by bishopmf

    I am not an experienced coder by any means so, please don't laugh too hard when you look at this..

    I am trying to assign a new accession number to some groups of studies using an LUA script with and ImportConverter. I have been successful in generating the new accession number but, cannot get it to apply at a study level. It runs (and generates a new accession number for every new image it imports). Can anyone help me fix this or maybe give me a better method to accomplish the accession number assignment?

    Here is the ImportConverters section from my dicom.ini...

    # Configuration of rules to modify, log or reject incoming DICOM slices
    ImportConverters = 5
    ImportConverter0 = change.lua
    ImportConverter1 = setifempty 0008,1030 to "EmptyStudyDescription"
    ImportConverter2 = setifempty 0008,0090 to "EmptyReferringPhysicianName"
    ImportConverter3 = setifempty 0008,103E to "EmptySeriesDescription"
    ImportConverter4 = setifempty 0008,0080 to "EmptyInstitutionName"

    ForwardCollectDelay = 600
    MaximumExportRetries = 0
    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 0

    And here is the LUA script I am using...

    local inf = assert("acc.txt", "r"), "Failed to open input file")
    local bigstring = inf:read("*all")
    local bigstring2 = bigstring + 1
    io.close (inf)
    local file = assert("acc.txt", "w+"), "Failed to open input file")
    io.close (file)
    Desig = "ILHMIG"
    Data.AccessionNumber= Desig..bigstring2 .. Data.AccessionNumber

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

