Posts by uril


    I am new here and could someone help me with the question.

    How I can configure the PACS that it knows that the move destination "MOVESCU" resides at a specific IP adress with the port.

    Thank you for your help.


    Hi Users,

    I am developing a web application for the Medical Care. I have been asking to fetch dicom images from Conquest DICOM software 1.4.13 that had been installed on Dicom server. I have installed DCMTK on http server (different from Dicom server and it's my Dicom client) where I am developing a web application. I would like to create web program (on web server I am using php) that will show dicom images(ImageJ applet will be my Dicom viewer). First of all I would like to fetch images from PACS archiv to the directory located on http server and tell to the IMageJ applet remotely access those images. Is this approch seems right to you?
    I was told by the DCMTK forum that I should configure the PACS that it knows that the move destination "MOVESCU" resides at a specific IP adress with the port that you specified with +P. Do you now how to do it.
    Another question is that I should give parameter to the ImageJ applet to read the dicom files on the remote server, but it can read only one file without sequence. Do you now another applet that can read in sequence dicom files on remote server. I am using applet because I don't want download files for security resons.

    I would really appreciate some help on this.

