Posts by theok

    Hi Marcel

    Thanks for tips. It worked like a charm. I've done several trial runs with mostly with 100% success.

    In one or 2 instances the were some transfer failures. Is there a way to document these during the migration so I can do a delta migration of these at a later stage? Can a verbose log be generated?


    Hi All

    We are in the process of upgrading our enterprise PACS. This new upgrade will permit us to do something meaningful with our PET/CT studies that I have been archiving for years on our (NucMed) conquest archive.

    My conquest archive has all our nuclear medicine (NM) and PET/ CT (PT & CT) studies. Is there an easy way to automate a transfer of all the PET/CT studies to our new PACS. Can this be done by transfering/moving on modality, ie first transfer all PT and then transfer CT?

    If this is not possible can a loop script be generated to transfer based on an attribute?

    Any advice or solutions would be appreciated.
