Posts by jcrespin

    thanks for the reply

    I have managed to recover by command now

    "ifequal "%m", "US"; get study %i modality %m now -200+010 from PACS_QR;"

    But I need to do the get adding the seriesdesc command that doesn't work for me

    "ifequal "%m", "US"; get study %i, modality %m, seriesdesc "Muscle ultrasound", now -110+010 from PACS_QR;"

    I have to recover previous XX by modality from PACS

    I have the following command, which retrieves all the patient's studies with the US modality.

    ExportConverter0 = ifequal "%m", "US"; get study modality %m now-365 from PACS;

    I only need 2 previous closer to the appointment date

    thank you