Posts by arr1214

    Nevermind, I think I figured it out. The test data that I was using came from the external PACS to begin with and I tried to anonymize it which apparently wasn't sneaky enough for the PACS and when it saw the same DICOM images coming in it jailed them and associated it with the previous prior study. When it does that, apparently it doesn't show the images being imported, so I thought it wasn't actually receiving anything.

    Just ignore me, I'm just a network admin playing PACS admin for a day and not having the best of luck :D

    I am trying to send DICOM studies I have in KPACS to another PACS server and when I click the Transfer icon and then select that PACS from the list, the job queue acts like it is sending images, but it is not. The status monitor on the other PACS server does not show that it is receiving anything from KPACS. Am I missing something obvious? It does query/retrieve from the other PACS just fine.

    thanks and great program!