Posts by Kingtazzadar

    Hi every one, first that one sorry by my languaje, english is no my main, i have a similar problem that user subbumd with the show image process afther a move task.

    Im testing with conquest 1.5.0b and mysql 5.7 with ODBC variable, work fine,

    i have 2 Mag devices :

    MAG0 = z:\Dicom-Storage\ on a share resources on network machine device and MAG1 = x:\storage-server\ on another networkdevice.

    afther copy the data files was copied now on mag1 sastisfatly.

    By curious i open the database with a client and i can see that de database know that the studies are located now on mga1 and no the original storage. the evidence on capture in the end.

    The user on server machine is the same user that be on networkmachine and the same password, no session conflicts are detected because im no executing conquest as windows services. but on my server and desktop client the error is the same, image file not found.

    help me please.