Posts by Stefan L


    i want to move about 30.000 patients from one ConQuest to another and change some dicomfields in the data. I do that with ImportConverters. That works fine for a small number of patients, but not with a large number of patients:

    If i create a komma-seperated list with MySQL of all my Pat.-IDs and copy this list into the field "Patient ID" in the "Query/Move"-window of ConQuest and query my main archive with "Query selected DICOM system" or copy the data with "Copy to Destination" to my new archive, then only 856 or 858 patients get found ("Total of 858 item(s) found") even if much more komma-seperated Patient-IDs listed in the field "Patient-ID".

    I use ConQuest 1.4.13 and 1.4.14b and WinXP.
    Anybody some suggestions?

    Thanks for your help!
