Posts by Shooker

    Hi Marcel, I appreciate your reply!

    I need to look more into LUA's before the one off projects start becoming more popular. I know an lua system would be much more efficient. I am brand new to anything with Conquest outside of basic server setups, but I really like it's design and malleable functionality, thank you for your time and effort!

    Thought I would share what I ended up doing in case it helps anyone else out there get creative. I had the option of pre-anonymizing, so I anonymized everything except the accession number. I exported that study to retain the original accession and appended it to the txt file. I tried csv, but it placed all new data in the same cell, id rather deal with txt on that. I created my own version of a unique identifier without the use of a counter by grabbing the last 10 characters of the hashed MRN, preceded by the last 6 characters of the SIUD (made the calls differently, experimenting). Then it appends that "UID" in the txt file immediately following the original accession entry creating an easy list for tracking the study data and easily resolvable duplicates on a one off basis. I could also extend the count for the hashed MRN and not hurt anything either, which may be a safer bet. I feel this is probably rudimentary, but earned a quick celebratory moment for me anyhow :)

    FileNameSyntax = 4

    #Save processed file, append txt

    ExportConverters = 2

    ExportConverter0 = save to \\Fileshare\Processed\%V0008,0010\%o.dcm;

    ExportConverter1 = append "%V0008,0050" to \\Fileshare\incoming.txt;

    #If from AE, make incoming directory, save original file, append data pre-processing, modify Accession to unique ID from SIUD and hashed MRN, create processed directory, save file

    ImportConverter0 = ifequal "%V0008,1010","AETITLE"; mkdir \\Fileshare\Incoming\%V0008,0050\; save to \\Fileshare\Incoming\%V0008,0050\%o.dcm; append "%V0008,0050" to \\Fileshare\incoming.txt; set 0008,0050 to "<StaticPrefix>%o[47,52]%V0010,0020[,10]"; mkdir \\Fileshare\Processed\%V0008,0050\; save to \\Fileshare\Processed\%V0008,0050\%o.dcm

    This is not perfect, right now it creates a duplicate dcm in the root of \Processed, which makes no sense to me, since nothing is pointing there as far as I can tell? I thought it might be related to missing file structure, but normally that just does not write the file. It's not a deal breaker for me by any means, just a refinement opportunity.

    Thank you again!

    Hi -

    I am trying to setup an import converter to to save anonymized studies for a particular research study, but automatically processing the data as I am trying it is not working for me.

    I understand I can only have a counter on the export to create the unique ID per study, and I tried "forward to ExportConverter0" which fails to connect. Is there a way to make Conquest point incoming studies matching a DICOM tag be automatically sent to ExportConverter? I am not running any scripts, just the importconverter to give a standard folder structure to work within.

    This is what I have currently in my dicom.ini with no [lua] specified.

    ExportConverter0 = copy %f to \\FileShare\Processed\%V0008,0050\%counter.dcm

    ImportConverter0 = ifequal "%V0008,1010","DICOMTAG"; mkdir \\Fileshare\Incoming\%V0008,0050\; mkdir \\FileShare\Processed\%V0008,0050\; save to \\FileShare\Incoming\%V0008,0050\%o.dcm;

    Any advice on how to get what I need or to point me in a better direction is appreciated.