Posts by ChristophS


    is there a possible way to forward incoming studies to a second Dicomserver by filtering the Referring Physician's Name (Dicom Field 0008,0090), i.e. all studies matching "Physican's_NAME" will be forwarded to AET PACS2

    ExportconverterX = ifequal "%V*0008,0090","Physican's_NAME"; forward study to PACS2;

    wont work.

    Thank you, kind regards



    thank you for your explanation.

    last to questions: i'm running 1.5.0a with mysqldb, is it safe to replace dgate64.exe/dgate.exe and conquestdicomserver.exe with the new version of 1.5.0b in the same folder without regeneration of the database (about 17tb on images).

    usage of --selectseriestomove:

    dgate64.exe --selectseriestomove:MAG0,Age(in Days?),KB --selectseriestomove:MAG0,180,300000 and then --moveseriestodevice:MAG17,MAG0 or MAG0.Archchiving?

    thank you for your great support

    Kind regards Christoph

    Hi Marcel,

    the last time i have started the move with:

    dgate64.exe -v -as30000000,0 > c:\tmp\SelectData.log

    dgate64.exe -v -amMAG0.Archiving,MAG17 > c:\tmp\MoveData.log

    850MB where moved to MAG17, after i run this command again, i moved 194MB in 30 Minutes


    is there a possible way to move a complete mag to another. MAG0 is on SSD and i want to move the Complete MAG (1Year) to a normal HDD (MAG17). I tried dgate.exe --moveseriestodevice:MAG17,MAG0 and nothing happend. When i try

    dgate64.exe -v -au

    dgate64.exe -v -as30000000,0 > c:\tmp\SelectData.log

    dgate64.exe -v -amMAG0.Archiving,MAG17 > c:\tmp\MoveData.log

    dgate64.exe -v -au

    only 2GB where moved to MAG17 and not 30 GB. Size of MAG0 is 2TB.



    MicroPACS = sscscp

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#

    MyACRNema = Conquest

    TCPPort = 105

    # Host, database, username and password for database

    SQLHost = localhost

    SQLServer = conquest

    Username = ****

    Password = ***

    MySql = 1

    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1

    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    # Configure server

    TruncateFieldNames = 10

    MaxFieldLength = 254

    MaxFileNameLength = 255

    FixPhilips = 0

    FixKodak = 0

    KeepAlive = 60

    LargeFileSizeKB = 1024

    PrintSquareLandscape = 0

    ZipTime = 05:

    UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.*

    EnableReadAheadThread = 1

    PatientQuerySortOrder =

    StudyQuerySortOrder =

    SeriesQuerySortOrder =

    ImageQuerySortOrder =

    EnableComputedFields = 0

    IndexDBF = 1

    PackDBF = 0

    LongQueryDBF = 1000

    TCPIPTimeOut = 300

    FailHoldOff = 60

    RetryDelay = 100

    RetryForwardFailed = 0

    ImportExportDragAndDrop = 0

    QueueSize = 128

    WorkListMode = 0

    WorkListReturnsISO_IR_100 = 1

    DebugLevel = 0

    Prefetcher = 0

    LRUSort =

    AllowTruncate =

    DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1

    UseBuiltInDecompressor = 1

    IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors = 1

    PadAEWithZeros = 0

    FileNameSyntax = 3

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

    DroppedFileCompression = n4

    IncomingCompression = n4

    ArchiveCompression = as

    # For debug information

    PACSName = Conquest

    OperatorConsole =

    DebugLevel = 0

    # Configure email of error messages

    MailHost =

    MailPort =

    MailSignon =

    MailFromName =

    MailRcptName1 =

    MailCollectTime = 1

    MailWaitTime = 10

    # Names of the database tables

    PatientTableName = DICOMPatients

    StudyTableName = DICOMStudies

    SeriesTableName = DICOMSeries

    ImageTableName = DICOMImages

    DMarkTableName = DICOMAccessUpdates

    RegisteredMOPDeviceTable = RegisteredMOPIDs



    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images

    MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30

    NightlyMoveThereshhold = 10000

    NightlyClean Thereshhold = 1000

    MAGDevices = 18

    MAGDevice0 = d:\rad_hot1\

    MAGDevice1 = e:\rad_hot2\

    MAGDevice2 = f:\d2xxx\

    MAGDevice3 = f:\d2005\

    MAGDevice4 = f:\d2006\

    MAGDevice5 = f:\d2007\

    MAGDevice6 = f:\d2009\

    MAGDevice7 = f:\d2010\

    MAGDevice8 = f:\d2011\

    MAGDevice9 = g:\d2012\

    MAGDevice10 = g:\d2013\

    MAGDevice11 = g:\d2014\

    MAGDevice12 = g:\d2015\

    MAGDevice13 = h:\d2016\

    MAGDevice14 = h:\d2017\

    MAGDevice15 = h:\d2018\

    MAGDevice16 = h:\d2019\

    MAGDevice17 = h:\d2020\

    NightlyMoveTarget = MAG1

    # Configuration of mirror disk(s)

    #MIRRORDevices = 1

    #MIRRORDevice0 = g:\midic2018\

    Thanks for your support
