Posts by Timur Fatykhov

    Hi! Thank you for answers!

    What if I have a lot of folders and each of them contain about 20-25 .v2? How to convert them fast?

    I wrote the script, which convert all .v2 files one by one, but each conversion via "dgate --compress" take about 0.15 seconds, is it possible to speed up the process? Is it the fastest way?

    I regenerated the database, then started the server with "./dgate -v", terminal yielded this messages:


    DGATE (1.4.19c, build Mon Jul 15 16:42:54 2019, bits 64) is running as threaded server

    Database type: built-in SQLite driver


    Then I run "./dgate --compress,1.2.392....557848264.v2,un,tmp.dcm" in second terminal window, and first terminal window yielded:

    DGATE (1.4.19c, build Mon Jul 15 16:42:54 2019, bits 64) is running as threaded server

    Database type: built-in SQLite driver

    Server command sent using DGATE -- option


    But file "tmp.dcm" was not created ;(

    PS I worked at "conquest" directory.

    PPS Where the .v2 file should be located?

    I tried "./dgate --compress,1.2.392...848264.v2,un,tmp.dcm" from directory "conquest" (also copied .v2 file into there before), but nothing happened :(

    Maybe something wrong with server? I think so because of message "DICOM ERROR connect failed on socket level (called not running)DICOM ERROR connect failed on socket level (called not running)" at the web page.

    P.S. Conquest is installed on another computer in local network and I connect via IP:/cgi-bin/dgate

    P.P.S. command "systemctl status conquest.service" yielded this:


    DGATE (1.4.19c, build Mon Jul 15 16:42:54 2019, bits 64) is running as threaded server

    Jul 16 13:30:53 myservername[29952]: *** cannot connect to sqlite database ./data/dbase/conquest.db3

    Jul 16 13:30:53 myservername[29952]: *** cannot connect to sqlite database ./data/dbase/conquest.db3

    Jul 16 13:30:53 myservername[29952]: ***Unable to open database ./data/dbase/conquest.db3 as user dontcare on localhost

    Thank you for helping!

    Thank you a lot for quick answer!

    I walked through guide and installed conquest server on Ubuntu, then started "counquest.service", after that I went to browser, pressed "Enter dicom server" and received this error at the bottom of the web page:


    Show server configuration

    Show server accepted SOPs

    Show database layout

    Show DICOM dictionary (Long!) DICOM ERROR connect failed on socket level (called not running)DICOM ERROR connect failed on socket level (called not running)


    What should I do now?

    And how to use "dgate64 --compress,inputfile,un,outputfile" ? I mean what is "un" and why "compress" instead of "uncompress"? I tried "dgate --uncompress ./file.v2 ./file.dcm", but seems it does not work :(

    Hello everyone!

    Can anyone help me to get know how to convert .v2 file to .dcm? Is it possible? I need to convert TBs of data, what is the fastest way to accomplish this task?

    PS I did not install conquest server or something.

    Thank you a lot!