Posts by marcoferr74

    This is what I am using:

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images
    ImportConverter0 = storage MAGDevice1
    # the line above forces conquest to save everything on new drive H
    MAGDeviceThreshhold = 0
    MAGDevices = 2
    MAGDevice0 = G:\CTSCAN\data\
    MAGDevice1 = H:\CONQUEST_IMAGES2\CTSCAN2\data\
    # the line above describes the new drive
    NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0

    I am not completely sure what the MAGDeviceThreshold = 0 or the NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0 do.

    is the first instruction saying:"don't stop saving until you reach zero space?" if so, should it be removed since I am forcing studies to go to MAGDevice1?

    Hello everyone,
    finally the space on the server is down to almost nothing from 1.8Tb.

    I created a network drive with almost 6Tb for future studies.

    my conquest version is an older one but never needed to upgrade it.

    I went to the setting page and I selected the new drive where to store the studies.

    my problem is that when I want to retrieve the old studies it does not find I had to move the drive selection back to the original one.

    This is how I am thinking about resolving the issue:

    I would like to install a 2nd instance of of the conquest server (call it CTSCAN2) and use that with the new drive while leaving the old one (CTSCAN) just for retrieval purposes.

    Can two instances of conquest (CTSCAN and CTSCAN2) live together on the same machine?

    Or should I move all the studies to the new drive? How would I go about doing that?

    Any other suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    Marcel, outstanding work, as usual.

    thank you so much, first of all, for being so timely with your reply.

    I am assuming the first command is to move from conquest server 1 to server 2 all the studies in 2007.
    the second command moves studies from server 2 to server 1 all the studies in 2007.
    the third commands, clearly, deletes the original studies.

    Quick question, to upgrade from 1.14.12 to 1.14.15 do i just replace dgate.exe and nothing else?

    Thanks again for your time and the wonderful work you're doing with this software.

    I've been looking for this topic for a bit but I could not find anything that would work for what I have in mind.

    my main conquest server (CTSCAN) is running out of space and is not cost effective to expand its space. I am considering building a new smaller server just to keep older studies, I will call this new server CTARCHIVE.

    I know there is a command string to move studies from machine to machine but I haven't been able to decipher the command syntax.

    basically I want to move, for example, studies from 2006, 2007 and 2008 from CTSCAN to CTARCHIVE...what would be the best way?

    if doing it by year is not feasible what would be my other options?

    some details: CTSCAN is running on conquest 1.14.12 (90% sure) and since it's working fine I am not upgrading it + MS SQL server 2000.
    the CTARCHIVE will be running on the latest stable version of Conquest + mySQL.
    Any other detail feel free to ask, thanks in advance for your help and support!


    thanks for your reply. the sql version running is ms sql 2000.

    apparently the backups are saved into a small 7Gb partition that eventually got filled up since my last intervention, once I moved those backups and made some space available the servers resumed working as usual.

    I tried to find the page in the settings were I would tell the servers to save the logs and the backups but did not find it, maybe it's located in arcnema but i didn't check as I am writing...

    I will get back if the xrays/ctscan techs tell me there is still some problem.

    Thanks Marcel again, great software.

    db issues again

    I seem to have the same issue I had in the past, with the exception that this time I have issues with the ctscan database.

    How would I check if the database is set to autogrow? the database is the full version of ms sql so it's not limited.

    I am moving some data off one of the drives with the least amount of space to ensure there is not a backup or log that is filling up one of my drives.

    once these *.bak and *.trn are moved what's the best way to check if the db is still functional? do I initiate a regen?

    Thanks for the advise, as usual.


    Hello Georg,
    thanks for your reply.

    I tried to make the changes suggested in your thread and it still didn't work, the changes actually prevent me from retrieving studies from the conquest server.

    this is what the situation is:

    conquest and k-pacs work fine. if k-pacs wants to send the study to aw-rads (remote location) the transfer fails, first time ever, we've always been able to transfer with different providers.

    k-pacs can retrieve studies from aw-rads (not needed but it's possible) so there is connectivity.

    identical k-pacs installations are able to send to aw-rads from different locations

    dicom transfer from k-pacs has been attempted to internet ip as well as lan ip (via vpn tunnel) fails at 1% in both cases

    network testing and packet inspection has been performed, the echos report success but transfer fails.

    efilm is able to send studies

    any thoughts?

    I am having same problem with a GE AW simply will not transfer from k-pacs to GE period.
    I tested echo and works fine, we've tried with and without VPN and every time the transfer fails at 1%.

    Here's a log of two attempts to transfer from K-PACS/CONQUEST to GE AW:

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
    {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;}
    \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs16 *******************************************************
    \par \cf2 5/13/2009 8:23:19 AM ThreadID[700] : Moving images from CTSCAN to AW-RADS started
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par [700] >> : c-move request for StudyInstanceUID: initated
    \par \cf3 [DICOM SCU] >> : Connected to:
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Item Type: 2
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Association Accept::ReadDynamic
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Presentation Context Accept, Transfer Syntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : VIEW1 >> CTSCAN
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0000), 4,\tab UL, "92" - Group Length
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0002), 28,\tab UI, "1.2.840.10008." - Affected SOP Class UID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0100), 2,\tab US, "33" - Command Field
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0110), 2,\tab US, "3" - Message ID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0600), 8,\tab AE, "AW-RADS" - Move Destination
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0700), 2,\tab US, "0" - Priority
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0800), 2,\tab US, "258" - Data Set Type
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> :
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : VIEW1 >> CTSCAN
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0020), 0,\tab DA, "" - Study Date
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0030), 0,\tab TM, "" - Study Time
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0050), 0,\tab SH, "" - Accession Number
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0052), 6,\tab CS, "STUDY " - Query/Retrieve Level
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0061), 0,\tab CS, "" - Modalities in Study
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0080), 0,\tab LO, "" - Institution Name
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0090), 0,\tab PN, "" - Referring Physician\f1 's Name
    \par \f0 [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,1030), 0,\tab LO, "" - Study Description
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0010), 0,\tab PN, "" - Patient\f1 's Name
    \par \f0 [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0020), 0,\tab LO, "" - Patient ID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0030), 0,\tab DA, "" - Patient's Birth Date
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0040), 0,\tab CS, "" - Patient's Sex
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,1010), 0,\tab AS, "" - Patient's Age
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0020,000D), 56,\tab UI, "" - Study Instance UID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0020,0010), 0,\tab SH, "" - Study ID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> :
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : VIEW1 << CTSCAN
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0000), 4,\tab UL, "116" - Group Length
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0002), 28,\tab UI, "1.2.840.10008." - Affected SOP Class UID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0100), 2,\tab US, "32801" - Command Field
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0120), 2,\tab US, "3" - Message ID Being Responded To
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0800), 2,\tab US, "257" - Data Set Type
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0900), 2,\tab US, "49157" - Status
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1020), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Remaining Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1021), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Completed Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1022), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Failed Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1023), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Warning Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> :
    \par \cf4 [700] >> : Error: move failed for DOE, JOHN, Study: Thorax^CHEST_ROUTINE (Adult)
    \par \cf1 [700] >> : c-move request for StudyInstanceUID: initated
    \par \cf3 [DICOM SCU] >> : Connected to:
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Item Type: 2
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Association Accept::ReadDynamic
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Presentation Context Accept, Transfer Syntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : VIEW1 >> CTSCAN
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0000), 4,\tab UL, "92" - Group Length
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0002), 28,\tab UI, "1.2.840.10008." - Affected SOP Class UID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0100), 2,\tab US, "33" - Command Field
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0110), 2,\tab US, "3" - Message ID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0600), 8,\tab AE, "AW-RADS" - Move Destination
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0700), 2,\tab US, "0" - Priority
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0800), 2,\tab US, "258" - Data Set Type
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> :
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : VIEW1 >> CTSCAN
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0020), 0,\tab DA, "" - Study Date
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0030), 0,\tab TM, "" - Study Time
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0050), 0,\tab SH, "" - Accession Number
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0052), 6,\tab CS, "STUDY " - Query/Retrieve Level
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0061), 0,\tab CS, "" - Modalities in Study
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0080), 0,\tab LO, "" - Institution Name
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0090), 0,\tab PN, "" - Referring Physician\f1 's Name
    \par \f0 [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,1030), 0,\tab LO, "" - Study Description
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0010), 0,\tab PN, "" - Patient\f1 's Name
    \par \f0 [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0020), 0,\tab LO, "" - Patient ID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0030), 0,\tab DA, "" - Patient's Birth Date
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,0040), 0,\tab CS, "" - Patient's Sex
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0010,1010), 0,\tab AS, "" - Patient's Age
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0020,000D), 56,\tab UI, "" - Study Instance UID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0020,0010), 0,\tab SH, "" - Study ID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> :
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : VIEW1 << CTSCAN
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0000), 4,\tab UL, "116" - Group Length
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0002), 28,\tab UI, "1.2.840.10008." - Affected SOP Class UID
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0100), 2,\tab US, "32801" - Command Field
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0120), 2,\tab US, "3" - Message ID Being Responded To
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0800), 2,\tab US, "257" - Data Set Type
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0900), 2,\tab US, "49157" - Status
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1020), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Remaining Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1021), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Completed Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1022), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Failed Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,1023), 2,\tab US, "0" - Number of Warning Sub-Operations
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> :
    \par \cf4 [700] >> : Error: move failed for DOE, JANE, Study: Abdomen^ABD_PELVIS_WO_W (Adult)
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf4 5/13/2009 8:23:26 AM ThreadID[700] : Closed.
    \par Task processed with errors
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf0
    \par }

    transfer has been successful to other servers but this one simply doesn't want to work.

    any thoughts?

    by reading some of the comments in different threads...the standard port seems to be 104...
    in the office I am supporting kpacs there are 4 kpacs workstations...should they all have 104 or should each kpacs workstation have its own port number? the reason why I ask is because although the same study is downloaded some workstations will display it properly others won't.

    could the kaspersky antirvirus installed on the workstations prevent the images from being properly displayed?


    i am using several 1.0.1 workstations setup and they work fine. i installed 1.5.0 and I never got it to work properly, it will simply not show any images, just blanks.

    i reverted back to 1.0.1

    thanks for your quick reply...I logged in remotely and regen the db...the default was MAG0, you were correct, folders were there (from the old xray installation) but they couldn't be queried by the database, only the new stuff was accessible. I browsed the database and there seems to be everything...I will log into a workstation and let you know.

    One important question i have about conquest...the backup folder grows at over 500mb/day it necessary to keep a backup for every day?

    The files I am talking about have this format:


    isn't sufficient to just keep last week or last month?

    Also...what is the best way to back up a conquest server? what are the folders/files that need to be absolutely backed up? I am not trying to be cheap on space...just want to understand conquest better.

    creating a new xray2 server worked

    I copied the dicom folders from the old folder to the new folder (same drive)...

    what do you mean by:
    were is the data located? If it is the same directory, you will need to regen MAG0. If it is separate, you can add a MAG1 and regen just that. Or you can transfer (duplicate) the data through drag and drop or a dicom copy.

    The data has been copied in the folder but I can't query any of the old I have to regen?

    important note about regen...when I do that do all the stations need to be off or it doesn't matter?

    thanks in advance,

    I have the same issue, except I have the folders with the dicom images but the DB is corrupted, therefore I can't access the images via a pacs/dicom workstation...

    I am at the point where I moved the folders over...but I can't retrieve any of them...

    what do you EXACTLY (STEP BY STEP) MEAN BY:

    <snip> You could also make a conquest serve on the old computer, point mag devices to the data storage and re-initialize th e DB, then syncing it with the new server. <snip>

    Hello Marcel,
    the new server is working great! thanks for all your advises...I will leave the AETITLE as is...doesn't really matter the name I am using.

    big important question...
    how do i go about transfering or merging the old database (XRAY/conquestpacs_s2) to the new database (CONQUESTSRV3/conquestpacs_s3)?

    Thanks in advance for your reply!


    I followed Marcel's precious suggestion and created an XRAY2 folder where I copied XRAYs folder content including dicom.ini (I deleted XRAY2s newly created dicom.ini)

    here's the current configuration:

    [Blocked Image:]

    I changed the port to 5681...not sure how to change the AEtitle from this window...would like to change it to XRAY2...just for consistency...

    I created a new folder for the new data in the G this point I guess I have to configure the xray machine to connect to this new "server"?

    If this works we'll look into merging the old data to the new one...

    any recommendation, suggestion?

    Thanks all,

    This SQLServer handles a CTSCAN and an XRAY...
    The CTSCAN part continues to work seamlessly but the XRAY is not.

    Here's a snapshot of the SQLServer configuration:

    [Blocked Image:]

    What would you like me to check?

    I did change the location where the logs are being saved so we shouldn't have a problem running out of space again...

    I tried the re-initialize the database and returned NO errors...however when I try to verify the database installation I get this:

    [Blocked Image:]

    Should I try to "Make ODBC datasource"?

    One important note...if I try to browse the database I can see the studies that are contained in somehow conquest is connecting to the database...maybe a query works but writing to it doesn't?

    Thanks all