Posts by seijin_hp

    Dear Marcel,

    I'm sorry it took so many days.

    I have uploaded a one-page guide to setting up a web server.

    My English may be bad, but for those of you who love Conquest DICOM servers:

    I would be happy if I could help you.

    I hope this will be a way of thanking Marcel for his support so far.


    Dear Marcel,

    It may be difficult to fit it into one page, but I'll try to make it somehow.

    I am using the XAMPP that you taught me, but it requires an environment to install Apache and PHP.

    I will create the procedure assuming XAMPP.

    We will be doing final maintenance on the Conquest server, so it will take a few days to update.


    Dear Marcel,

    I'm really happy with this success.

    I would like to express my gratitude in a different way.

    Assuming that you are using XAMPP, create the steps for creating a web system as a PDF document.

    Please post it in this thread or somewhere else for Conquest DICOM Server users.

    I thought I would like you to share it, what do you think?

    I'm Japanese, but I'd like to somehow create it in English.

    If it is unnecessary, I will refrain from doing so.


    Dear Marcel,

    Succeeded! !

    As you advised, by entering the content you instructed in the first line of "ACRNEMA.MAP"

    Now displayed on the web.

    OHIF's viewer display is wonderful.

    This system has sufficient functionality for interpretation in hospitals.

    Thanks to Marcel's great help, we will be able to achieve our goal.

    I asked many questions over and over again, and received advice even on basic matters.

    I am truly grateful.

    I plan to continue to make effective use of the Conquest DICOM server and use it forever.

    I'm really thankful to you! ! !


    Dear Marcel,

    Thank you very much for letting me know how to output a bug report.

    I tried outputting it immediately.

    The Conquest server application is started and Apache is also started.

    After that, open the browser and perform the operation that causes the error, then

    I clicked the {Create bug report} button.

    I have uploaded the zip file that was output here.

    I also tried checking some files in the zip file, but I did not check the contents that caused the problem.

    I couldn't.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, but could you please check the content and let us know the problem?

    I hope it's a configuration mistake on my part.


    Dear Marcel,

    Thank you very much for your kindness.

    By debug log, do you mean php log?

    Configure settings to output Xampp php log, and perform operations until an error is displayed from the browser.

    I executed this, but nothing was output to the [logs] folder.

    By the way, the firewall is currently completely disabled.

    I am sorry.

    Could you please tell me how to output the debug log and where to save it?


    Dear Marcel,

    As you told me, in the "known dicom providers" tab,

    Similarly to the port number "4810" set in Conquest

    "CONQUESTSRV1 4810 un"

    I added.

    However, the same error was displayed.

    In addition to displaying an error in the browser, it also appeared to be displayed in Conqust's "Server Status" tab.

    The contents are as stated below.

    <<[CONQUESTSRV1] *** lua run error [string " local ae='PacsPlus';..."]:5: attempt to index a nil value in ' local ae='PacsPlus'; local level='STUDY' ; local q={StudyDate="",QueryRetrieveLevel="STUDY",ModalitiesInStudy="",StudyDescription="",PatientName="",PatientID="*0000420137*",StudyInstanceUID=""}; local q2=DicomObject: new(); for k,v in pairs(q) do q2[k]=v end; local r = dicomquery(ae, level, q2):Serialize(); local s=tempfile('txt') local f=, "wb") f:write(r) returnfile=s f:close(); '>>>

    I've been researching this error all day today, but I haven't been able to resolve it myself.

    Could you please give me some advice on how to solve this?


    Dear Marcel

    Thanks to your support, the top page is now displayed successfully.

    Since the port number of the DICOM server is "4810", I also set config.php to "-p4810".

    Thank you very much indeed.

    I would like to express my many gratitude!

    However, even after setting the patient ID and pressing the {submit} button, an error occurs.

    I couldn't get to the point where I could display the inspection images.

    It appears to be an error in the file "liststudies.lua",

    I didn't know what was causing it.

    I saved a screenshot of the displayed state in a PDF file.

    Please provide further instructions.


    Dear Marcel,

    Thank you for your helpful advice.

    I immediately tried executing the "servertask" command.

    I entered "servertask -p3000 -q127.0.0.1 --echo:CONQUESTSRV1."

    As expected, it was an error display in connection with the DICOM server.

    "DICOM ERROR connect failed on socket level (called not running)"

    I have uploaded this screenshot as a PDF file.

    I have specified port number 3000, but on the Conquest server

    Port number 4810 is set.

    Doesn't this make sense?

    If the port number of the Conquest server is "4810", should the port number of config.php also be "4810"?

    A screenshot of the Conquest server's Configuration tab is also available in the PDF file.

    Just to be sure, I tried "servertask -p4810 -q127.0.0.1 --echo:CONQUESTSRV1."

    "CONQUESTSRV1. is DOWN" was displayed.

    It seems that the displayed content is different from when the port number is 3000.

    Your advice over and over again is really helpful.


    Dear Marcel,

    Up until now, I have been gathering information from Marcel's advice and the Internet almost every day.

    I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to work and the same error is still displayed.

    I think that the DICOM connection is not working properly between the Conquest server and XAMPP.

    I have no idea where to set the settings.

    So I would like to ask Marcel another question.

    On October 24th at 10:23am, the message (#2) given by Marcel

    According to the screenshot, the URL is


    It says.

    I believe that Marcel's environment uses port number 8086.

    That means,



    These files include

    "-p8086 -q127.0.0.1"

    I think it is written as

    Are there any other places where "8086" is set?

    I'm also curious about how it is set in the "Known DICOM providers" tab of the Conquest server.

    If possible, could you please provide screenshots or configuration examples?

    I really need Marcel's help.

    Nice to meet you.


    Dear Marcel,

    Thank you for your advice.

    In conclusion, we haven't reached a solution yet...


    The checkbox for the web server is a built-in web server that does not use apache. If you check it and then right click it you can test the web interface.


    I see. I actually tried right-clicking, but it worked as you explained.

    Leave this check unchecked so you don't notice it.


    The pink error window shows failed communication between web server and dicom server. Double check your config.php. It should say -p3000 -q127.0.0.1 without spaces.




    These two files are entered as "-p3000 -q127.0.0.1" as you explained.

    However, a pink screen appears.

    I will also write down the characters to be displayed.


    DICOM ERROR connect failed on socket level (called not running)

    Conquest 1.5.0d WEB interface

    server not running


    - Firewall is completely disabled

    ・Conquest is running

    ・Conqest/SQL Server/xampp is installed on this server PC, and I don't see anything interfering with it.

    Also, the following has been added to the "Known DICOM providers" tab registered in Conquest.

    "CONQUESTSRV1 5678 un"

    During the operation test, I tried rewriting it as below just to be sure, but it still didn't solve the problem.

    "CONQUESTSRV1 3000 un"

    Dear Marcel

    Thank you very much for your advice.


    Then the port or IP address in config.php is wrong.


    As you can see on the first page of the PDF file, "xampp" has been successfully installed.

    "Apache" is also running normally.


    Or there maybe a firewall issue.


    I tried completely disabling the firewall on the Conquest server PC, but that didn't seem to have any effect.

    In "Conqest 1.5.0d", there seems to be a check to start the web server, but this is left OFF.

    I'm really ignorant about web servers, so I don't understand the basics.

    I'm very sorry, but please help me.

    Dear Marcel

    I tried setting it as you advised, but the situation did not change.

    Once I put it all together, it goes like this.

    <<Conquest Path>>


    <<xampp Path>>


    1. I installed [xampp]

    This is the latest version downloaded today

    2. Copy the [htdocs] directory

    Copy source -> Copy the [htdocs] directory located in C:\apps\v1.5.0\webserver.

    I copied it to ->C:\xampp and pasted it.

    3. Rewriting the configuration file



    On the third line [$exe = 'dgate -p5678 -p127.0.0.1';]

    I changed the port number to something like [3000].



    On the second line [$exe = 'servertask -p5678 -p127.0.0.1';]

    I changed the port number to something like [3000].



    Changed memory_limit = 128M --> memory_limit = 512M

    Changed upload_max_filesize = 2M --> upload_max_filesize = 250M

    post_max_size = 8M --> post_max_size = 250M This did not exist, so I did not add it.

    AllowOverride None --> AllowOverride All in apache2.conf

    The apache2.conf file was not saved anywhere, so I did not add it.

    I tried following the steps up to this point, but I was not able to successfully display the inspection image.

    I am aware that there is a flaw in my own settings, and I am sorry for the inconvenience.

    I apologize for asking for advice so many times, but I appreciate your advice.

    Dear Marcel

    I tried installing [xampp].

    When I displayed it in my browser, it showed a response, so it seems that the installation and execution were successful.

    However, only an error message was displayed.

    I think it's necessary to copy the necessary files, but I personally don't know about web services.

    I'm a complete amateur and I just don't understand.

    Please let us know how we should improve the environment going forward.

    Thank you very much.

    Dear Marcel

    Thank you for your advice.

    I see!

    This is the installation of [xampp].

    I was also looking into it after receiving Marcel's reply.

    The minimum installation of PHP and Apache is required, and those are included as a set.

    I had even arrived at the existence of [xampp].

    Thanks to Marcel's advice, I'm getting closer to becoming convinced of that.

    Please tell me just one more thing.

    After installing [xampp],


    did you copy the entire webserver contents from conquest into apache (I do not see .htaccess)?


    Could you please tell me the specific steps to copy this?

    I would like to proceed with the installation of [xampp].

    Thank you very much.

    Dear Marcel

    Thank you for your advice.


    did you copy the entire webserver contents from conquest into apache (I do not see .htaccess)?


    In this regard, we are implementing the following:

    In both cases, folders and files are copied from "Conquest" to "Apache".

    ・Overwrite copy of [cgi-bin] directory

    [Conquest Path]\webserver\cgi-bin directory

    Copy to [C:\Apache24]

    ・File copy

    The following files in the [Conquest Path] directory




    Copy to [C:\Apache24\cgi-bin]

    ・Rename the copied file

    Delete [C:\Apache24\cgi-bin]dgate.exe

    [C:\Apache24\cgi-bin]Rename dgate64.exe to dgate.exe

    ・Overwrite copy of [htdocs] directory

    [Conquest Path]\webserver\htdocs directory

    Copy to [C:\Apache24]

    ・File copy

    [Conquest Path]\libpq64.dll

    Copy to [C:\Apache24\htdocs]

    We have implemented this so far.

    Is this an old procedure for installing Apache?


    did you install php?


    We do not perform any installation work with particular php in mind.

    Could you please tell me how to install it?


    AllowOverride None --> AllowOverride All in apache2.conf

    memory_limit = 128M --> memory_limit = 512M in php.ini

    upload_max_filesize = 2M --> upload_max_filesize = 250M in php.ini

    post_max_size = 8M --> post_max_size = 250M in php.ini


    These [apache2.conf][php.ini] files were not saved anywhere.

    Overall, I think the installation I'm using may be an outdated method.

    I would appreciate it if you could tell me the current Apache and php installation method.

    Thank you very much.

    Thank you for your advice.

    I tried opening the URL you provided, but it does not display an image.

    The files in the directory are displayed.


    I use port number 3000, so the URL is as shown above.

    I took a screenshot of the screen that opens with this URL.

    My server environment is as follows.

    OS->Windows Server 2002 Datacenter


    Apache->Apache httpd 2.4.55 Released 2022-06-08

    Or is there something wrong with the procedure for converting the Conquest server into a web server?

    If there is a site that has instructions for installing Apache, please let me know.

    We are currently constructing the site based on what we found on Japanese sites.

    I'm sorry if there's something I don't understand.

    Please let us know if there are any URL details or settings that are missing.

    We are currently using the latest version, "Conquest 1.5.0d".

    Apache was also installed in that server, and images could now be viewed from a web browser.

    However, I would like to be able to view multiple MRI and CT images on one screen.

    I really don't understand the operating procedure.

    I would like to display something like 5 images vertically x 3 images horizontally.

    In addition, there was a link called "View" in the browser, so I clicked on it, but

    A symptom appeared where an error message was displayed.

    Is the display operation I want to do related to this "View" link?

    If so, could you please tell me how to resolve this error?

    I took a screenshot of the error.

    I am Japanese, and this English text was created from a translation site.

    We welcome replies in English, but if possible, we would also like to hear from someone who can speak Japanese.

    Thank you very much.