Posts by jsves

    Good Evening,
    we are new to digital radiology and K-Pacs in our veterinary clinic. We have been able to transfer images from the PC taking the radiographs to the K-Pacs program, but we are struggling to email those studies to other veterinarians.

    We have Windows 10 on all PC's except for the one where digital radiology is hooked up to, which is Windows XP. We typically do not use K-Pacs in that room or on that PC. I have setup our clinic email address in Windows 10 Mail, and I have also tried adding the POP3/SMTP Server settings associated with our email provider. I went through the walkthrough on this message board as well.

    Export >Right Click > Security, Compression, Manage email addresses
    All of those options set up. I added in my own personal email, in addition to another veterinarian we are trying to send the study to. I clicked on the study for the patient in the grid, then Export > Send by email.

    The window comes up, I select an email, enter subject and text, then hit Accept. When I do that, nothing happens.

    Can somebody tell me what I am or if I am doing anything wrong? We are open overnights, weekends, and holidays,so it is difficult to sit on the phone during our closed or open hours. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

    Kelly B, CVT