Posts by AlexKonnen

    Hello group,
    I am afraid I again need some assistance with the subtleties of the behavior of ConQuest in the C-MOVE mode.
    I have three ConQuests running: one on localhost, another one on a different computer in the local network, and still another one on a remote machine in the VPN network. The requesting application is in both local and VPN networks.
    I can successfully verify the VPN ConQuest instance.
    When I try to retrieve an image from those three instances of ConQuest, both local instances respond the request and send me the image. The remote VPN instance, however, responds "Host 'DKTECH' did not accept the connection" and, after a timeout, closes the connection. Trying a whole day, I was unable to understand the reason, or, the difference - the corresponding settings in the files on all three machines seem to be correct.

    I would be thankful for all tips,

    # ConQuest on localhost
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 5: STARTED AT: Thu Oct 27 19:02:21 2016
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "DKTECH "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 65536
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Move Destination: "DKTECH"
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Number of Images to send: 1
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Sending file : C:\dk\thirdparty\dicomserver1417d\data\images\DJnnr19500510_54\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.5458.1003.20160903123051321.9733_0003_000003_14728986510002.dcm
    [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Move (StudyRoot)
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 5: ENDED AT: Thu Oct 27 19:02:29 2016

    # ConQuest on another computer in local network
    [CONQUESTSRV2] UPACS THREAD 207: STARTED AT: Thu Oct 27 19:19:30 2016
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Calling Application Title : "DKTECH "
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV2 "
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 65536
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV2] C-Move Destination: "DKTECH"
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Number of Images to send: 1
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Sending file : C:\Dktech\ConQuest\Data\Images\DJnnr19500510_54\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.5458.1003.20160903131355398.4152_0003_000001_14729012380000.dcm
    [CONQUESTSRV2] C-Move (StudyRoot)
    [CONQUESTSRV2] UPACS THREAD 207: ENDED AT: Thu Oct 27 19:20:16 2016

    # ConQuest on a remote host (VPN network)
    [STRATO] UPACS THREAD 126: STARTED AT: Thu Oct 27 19:00:07 2016
    [STRATO] Calling Application Title : "DKTECH "
    [STRATO] Called Application Title : "STRATO "
    [STRATO] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 65536
    [STRATO] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [STRATO] C-Move Destination: "DKTECH"
    [STRATO] Number of Images to send: 1
    [STRATO] Host 'DKTECH' did not accept the connection
    [STRATO] C-Move (StudyRoot)
    [STRATO] UPACS THREAD 126: ENDED AT: Thu Oct 27 19:00:28 2016

    Hallo Marcel and everybody,

    after checking all configuration parameters everything did work.
    It is essential that the PACS (as server) and a client application know each other, i.o.w. in the on the server there must be the data (AET, IP, port) of your client application, and in the configuration unit (depending on how a concrete application makes the bookkeeping - in my case it is a config file), there must be exactly the IP, port (5678 or so) and the AET of the ConQuest running on the server.
    I installed ConQuest on a remote server connected via VPN, and it works perfectly now.


    I installed ComQuest at my develop computer an on a different machine in the local network. When I work on localhost, all kinds of communications with ComQuest do perfectly function (FIND, SEND, MOVE), but when I try to reach ComQuest on a different machine, I can though send images and perform queries, but when I try to carry out "MOVE", no images are returned, the status being "C003" (destination not found or allowed ).
    I imagine there is something wrong with the configuration, but what? Very thankful for all kind of tips!
    PS. Can this be a firewall thing?

    I am absolutely new with ComQuest. I installed it last weekend and after a few minutes I was able to send images to the server and see that they were correctly stored in the database and in the file system.

    I am currently developing a program realizing some DICOM connectivity, and I need to test it against a PACS server to ensure retrieval of images via C-MOVE (as far as i can see, ComQuest does not support C-GET).
    The way I am supposed to obtain images by C-MOVE, is via a TCP listener. (I am using the DicomObjects library whose DicomServer class wraps a TCP listener.)

    I have started ComQuest on its default port and my listener on a different port (both on localhost). In ResourceMonitor I can see that both processes are really running, but when I try to "List DICOM providers" in ComQuest, my listener is ignored. That is, it is not seen by ComQuest. Respectively, ComQuest server does not answer my C-MOVE requests.

    My question is: can I use ComQuest to test my application's C-MOVE requests and, if the possibility principally exists, how can I configure ComQuest so that it sees my listener?
    Thanks in advance, A.K.