Posts by kristjank


    I established Conquest and WADO (cgi-bin) interface to get JPG images for the web application. We read the tags first and set the default level/width but there is still an issue of WADO returning inverse images?
    What am I missing and is there a parameter that can help us change that...

    Attached are the two dcm files that have this. What is more interesting integrated Coquest DICOM viewer shows "inverse" picture (see attachment - conquestViewshowsinverted.png) , but If I open in in K-PACS or any other viewer I get "correct" (not inverse results) - see atachment K-PacsViewer.
    What could be the case for this.

    I noticed the tag: 2050,0020 8 CS PresentationLUTShape "INVERSE " . Can we override it with WADO request, or is this something that viewer handle later on.

    How can I get NORMAL and not INVERSE image over WADO.

    Thank you for your answers in advance

    Hi guys -

    the more I learn and read about conquest - the more awesome it is!!!

    Any news on the topic with DWV integration. Can DWV already be setup as a default viewer, I'd like to add this functionality to our app and somehow bridge the data over CGI...
    For server I am using IIS8 with cgi.

    thank you guys!

    hmm :) I just need a jpg - to display it in web app...

    I used export converter... with:
    a.) safe as jpg //... but window levels get strange, cause I don't have the default value - some images are then very "bright"

    Now I have:
    b.) ExportConverter0 = system dcmj2pnm.exe --write-jpeg +Wn +Jq 50 %f %f.jpg ... //here the conversion works fine w/h is also calculcated to readable view..

    Is there a more elegant way of doing this? LUA? how do I transfer the filename to lua? But then I guess LUA would be slower, cause I have to open the file once again in the script to read the default width/height..?

    thank you guys...


    I am looking for the best solution to safe(export) received incoming dcm to the same jgp with some compression. The file will be read by our web application so size of 515 would be more then enought and it should be converted to jpg...

    1- recevice ANY dicom image name=N
    2- convert and compress it
    3- save image as N.JPG //so after finishing I will have two images N.dcm and N.jpg (compressed).

    I went thru manual and found some options with incoming compression, but there were not enough samples for me to understand it...
    Also I could call lua script, but haven't written any yet...

    In short:
    - what is the best approach to achieve this
    - any sample very much appreciated

    thank you in advance