Posts by 22081978


    Now the conquest transmit images two software system: 1 - ImagePilot (KonikaMinolta), 2 - PonyAlfa (Russian design). On the screen you can distinguish them by ID: 160********* it's ImagePilot, A-***** PonyAlfa.
    In this case the entries of ImagePilot and PonyAlfa in MySQL 5.5 does not display correctly (MySQL Base.png). While RadiAnt DICOM Viewer recording PonyAlfa displays correctly, and ImagePilot is not correct. In the settings ImagePilot tried to put two of the selected option (KonikaMinolta.png).

    The message was written with the assistance of an interpreter. Knowledge of English is zero.

    Chose your product. Disappointing lack of support for Cyrillic. Will it ever support the Cyrillic alphabet.

    thank you