Query kpacs using DCMQR

  • Hello,

    I am trying to install a pacs server and to get the images using dcmqr tool. I have k-pacs v 0.9.9 and the DCM4CHE toolkit 2.0.16.
    After i try to query it i have a an error telling me that the k-pacs server doesn't support find. But k-pacs does support finds.
    I am new to this so please forgive me if i am missing anything.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards

  • DICOM defines two different roles: the SCP (Service Class Provider) and the SCU (Service Class User). In easy terms you can say SCP is the server and SCU is the client. K-PACS supports Query/Retrieve ("finds" and "moves") as SCU only but not as SCP. What you are trying to do is to use K-PACS as SCP (server). You should use Conquest instead (available in this forum). It supports DICOM Query/Retrieve classes as SCP.

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