------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pure lua weasis (V3.0 up) connector for conquest dicom server -- to use, copy into webserver/cgi-bin/newweb and modify dicom.ini there as follows: -- lines 18, 19 -- viewer = weasis_starter -- studyviewer = weasis_starter -- line 26 (for newweb only, not for the classical interface) -- exceptions=start,listpatients,liststudies,listseries,listimageswiththumbs,listimages,wadostudyviewer,wadoseriesviewer,wadoviewerhelp,slice,listtrials,listtrialpatient,weasis_starter -- -- To update weasis version just replace the jnlp and xml text block indicated in the code -- -- This file runs as one of the following four modes, 2 create the jnlp starter, 2 create xml manifests -- dgate.exe?mode=weasis_starter&study=patid:studyuid -- dgate.exe?mode=weasis_starter&series=patid:seriesuid -- dgate.exe?mode=weasis_starter&accession=accessionnumber -- dgate.exe?mode=weasis_starter¶meter=xml&study=patid:studyuid -- dgate.exe?mode=weasis_starter¶meter=xml&series=patid:seriesuid -- dgate.exe?mode=weasis_starter¶meter=xml&accession=accessionnumber -- -- optional parameters: -- compress, WebScriptAddress and WebCodebase are taken from dicom.ini ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- mvh 20181123 Created for 1.4.19c -- mvh 20181124 Fixed server links; Removed PatientID for study xml -- mvh 20181213 server_name does not copy port use relative link and WebScriptAddress; -- moved WadoTransferSyntaxUID to series level -- mvh 20181214 Made to work with help from lyakh92; uses compress and WebScriptAddress from dicom.ini -- mvh 20181227 Use remotequery to limit contralize access to server; use gpps WebScriptAddress -- mvh 20181229 Fixed section of WebScriptAddress -- mvh 20180112 Fix to allow : in patientID -- mvh 20180302 Added accession= access for external use -- mvh 20180303 Some fixes in that code local source_server = Global.WebCodeBase local parameter = CGI('parameter', 'jnlp') local study = CGI('study', '') local series = CGI('series', '') local accession = CGI('accession', '') local level = 'study' local ident = study if study=='' then level = 'series' ident = series end if series=='' then level = 'accession' ident = accession end -- for testing -- parameter='xml' -- script_name=script_name or 'aap' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- this text between [[ ]] is the JNLP sample file from the weasis website without change, it is adapted by the lua code below -- I had to remove line , for weasis_portable3.0 local jnlp = [[ Weasis Weasis Team DICOM images viewer An application to visualize and analyze DICOM images. DICOM images viewer Weasis $dicom:get -w "http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-web/wadoQueries/wado_query3888637380.xml.gz" $dicom:get -l "/home/Images/MRIX LUMBAR/" $dicom:get -i "H4sIAAAAAAAAALVV7Y+aMBz+vr+i6XdLXwDBHHdxpy4mvgX0dvtkOqnaBOGO1qn//RUQnW5uy3JHCC2/1+d5Wsrdw36TgB8iVzJLA0gQhkCkiyyW6SqAW71seBA83H+62/E4m79uR..." $dicom:get -r "http://server/images/img1.dcm http://server/images/img2.dcm" ]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- split string into pieces, return as table function split(str, pat) local t = {} local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat local last_end = 1 local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1) while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then table.insert(t,cap) end last_end = e+1 s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end) end if last_end <= #str then cap = str:sub(last_end) table.insert(t, cap) end return t end function remotequery(ae, level, q) local remotecode = [[ local ae=']]..ae..[['; local level=']]..level..[['; local q=]]..q:Serialize()..[[; local q2=DicomObject:new(); for k,v in pairs(q) do q2[k]=v end; local r = dicomquery(ae, level, q2):Serialize(); local s=tempfile('txt') local f=io.open(s, "wb") f:write(r) returnfile=s f:close(); ]] local f = loadstring('return '..servercommand('lua:'..remotecode)); if f then return f() end end ----------------------------------- -- render jnlp file if requested -- ----------------------------------- if parameter=='jnlp' then HTML("Content-Type: application/x-java-jnlp-file\n") local xmlline = string.format([[$dicom:get -w "%s?mode=weasis_starter¶meter=xml&compress=%s&%s&dum=.xml"]], gpps('sscscp', 'WebScriptAddress', ''), gpps('webdefaults', 'compress', 'un'), level..'='..ident) jnlp = split(jnlp, '\n') for k,v in ipairs(jnlp) do v = string.gsub(v, 'http://localhost:8080/', source_server) if string.find(v, 'dicom:get -r', 1, true) then v='' end if string.find(v, 'dicom:get -i', 1, true) then v='' end if string.find(v, 'dicom:get -l', 1, true) then v='' end if string.find(v, 'dicom:get -w', 1, true) then v=xmlline end print(v) end return end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- this between [[ and ]] is the XML sample file from the weasis website without change, -- optionally all items may be reduced to one, for the rest it is adapted by the lua code below local xml= [[ ]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- render xml file if requested --- ----------------------------------- if parameter=='xml' then -- utility functions first -- make DICOM query from sample xml line function xmltoquery(line) local q = DicomObject:new() local level = string.match(line, '<(.-) ') if level=='Instance' then level='Image' end q.QueryRetrieveLevel = level string.gsub(line, "([%w:]+)=([\"'])(.-)%2", function (w, _, a) q[w]='' end) return q end -- print level xml open statement function xmlopen(level, t) local s if level=='PATIENT' then s=' ') else print(s .. '>') end end -- print level xml close statement function xmlclose(level, t) if level=='PATIENT' then print(' ') elseif level=='STUDY' then print(' ') elseif level=='SERIES' then print(' ') end end -- start of xml generator -- split query information local patid = string.gsub(ident, ':[^:]-$', '') local uid = string.gsub(ident, '^.*:', '') local compress = CGI('compression', 'un') local source = servercommand('get_param:MyACRNema') local paq, stq, seq, inq -- create compression transfer syntax local wt = '' if compress=='J5' or compress=='j5' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end if compress=='J4' or compress=='j4' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end if compress=='J3' or compress=='j3' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end if compress=='J1' or compress=='j1' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end if compress=='J2' or compress=='j2' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end if compress=='J1' or compress=='j1' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end if compress=='JK' or compress=='jk' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end if compress=='JL' or compress=='jl' then wt = '1.2.840.10008.' end -- first pass: set baseUrl and build default queries xml = split(xml, '\n') for k,v in ipairs(xml) do if string.find(v, 'baseUrl=') then xml[k] = string.gsub(v, 'baseUrl=".-"', 'baseUrl="'..gpps('sscscp', 'WebScriptAddress', '')..'"') end if string.find(v, '