We are getting more and more errors on inconsistent StudyModal and PatientNam. Looking in PacsTrouble.log reveals that there is indeed an inequality between the registered data in the Conquest database and the incomming data. But the violation is not severe, and there should be an option to storage the image instead of refusing.
1) The inconsistent StudyModal can be ignored - it is a "calculated" field, and it can change as series with new modalities are added
Inconsistent StudyModal in DICOMStudies: PatientID = '..' StudyInsta = ..', Old='RTPLAN\RTDOSE\RTSTRUCT', New='CT\RTPLAN\RTDOSE\RTSTRUCT'
2) Inconsistent PatientNam in DICOMStudies: PatientID = '...' StudyInsta = '...', Old='A', New='B'
This can be tricky, but in the end any person can change name (marriage/divorce, etc.), and often the inconsistentcy is caused by appended whitespaces or in DICOM. DICOM also have a OtherPatientNames (0010, 1001) - what if PatientName and OtherPatientNames were swapped? My point is that the PatientName is not unique (this is my point of view).
So, my question is: Any good advice on how to handle inconsistentcy in Conquest?