Posts by AndreasKnopke

    Hello Christian,

    At first, don't write the KPacsQR and KPacsMove AETs into the known dicom providers list, they are not neccessary here and confuse conquest because they all have same IP and Port.
    After deleting these entries restart conquest server (dgate)
    Then query the server from K-pacs and read the communication protocol (serverstatus). Here, Conquest will tell you why it was not able to move images to K-PACS. Send me the serverstatus.log if you can't figure it out yourself.


    I'am working on an uninstaller. For now you can simply delete the main folder. Don't forget to stop the server beforehand. To do this click 'local settings' (toolbox icon) and then 'admin tool'. There are only a few registry settings that should be deleted to have a complete clean up, so it won't leave a mess if you do not wait for the uninstaller.


    In general, color coded images are supported. I have tried 16bit colored ultrasound images and found no problems. I dont no for shure if szintigraphic images will work, please report!


    hello bob,

    the study will be deleted from the lokal db on clicking 'clear from local db'. You only have to refresh the grid, just click on 'search' again.

    In the next update (coming monday or tuesday) it will refresh the listing automaticaly after deleting the study.


    Hello Bushanger,

    At first, welcome to the forum.

    As I understood, you are using conquest right now and some efilm workstations. How do your neurosurgeons or remote doctors get to see the images right now? Do they have their own efilm clients and query your conquest or do you send images via your efilm workstation?
    In general: with k-pacs you can communicate with conquest similar to the way you do it with efilm. So, your doctors could query your conquest server by themselfes, or you can push images from your k-pacs client to theirs, if you don't want to give them access to your server.
    This way of communication requires an intranet strucutre or a VPN. If your remote doctors are located outside of your network you could use the email function of k-pacs. We are testing k-pacs for teleradiology purposes right now: Our radiographer on duty sends the requested studies via email to the radiologist at home. He imports the attached images into his K-PACS database and views them. For security reason I included an encryption routine. The routine ist stricktly proprietory and source code of the routines will not be published.

    The best thing to do for you is: try it out.


    Due to some reports of connection problems with certain remote AEs I would like to encourage all of you to post a short summary of your current installation environment.
    Just state your windows version, some hardware specs, the dicom server name and type you are connecting K-PACS to and describe what you are using K-PACS mainly for. And of course, tell us if you encountered any problems and if so, please specify them.

    Thanks you all for your interest,


    Thanks to the great delphi component INILANG by Fr?d?ric Sigonneau it is very easy to translate K-PACS into your native language.

    1. Rename Custom.ini in K-Pacs mainfolder to the current selected language (e.g. English.ini) and create a copy of this file.
    2. Rename this copy to Custom.ini
    3. Open the new Custom.ini with the windows editor,translate everything you want behind the equal sign and save it.
    4. Start K-PACS and you will find it speaking you language :lol:

    You can do the same with the Custom.ini in the K-Pacs-Server folder. Unfortunately inilang only support ANSI coding, so non ANSI compliant character sets like cyrrilic won't work right now.

    And don't forget to send me your translated inifile, I would be happy to include it in the next installer.


    I plan to release the update this weekend or next week. You will find an updated K-PACS.exe in the download section to replace it with the old one. For new users an updated KPInstall will be available. I think I will bundle all neccesary DCMTK binaries within the next KPInstall file to spare new users the 16Mb of the DCMTK download. If you already have an installed K-PACS version, you should not use the Installer, because it is to big and might replace some custom settings with standard.


    Hello maxpat,

    thank's for joining the forum and your really helpful post.

    At first, Conquest is my first choice as well. We ourself have more than 10000 patients in 3 seperate conquest databases, one for CT's, one for MRs and one for US. That's why I intensively tested conquest with K-PACS and designed my own DB layout after their sql table. I hope you can reproduce my good testing results with your conquest intallation.
    Dicom connectivity of K-PACS is based on the DCMTK from OFFIS which I found to be very stable and reliable. The viewer is based on Chris Rordens ezDicom plugin, which is one of the fastest and resource sparing dicom plugins I know.
    K-PACS is still under heavy developement and has many bugs, but we use it in routine every day for image presentation and import of foreign CDs into our conquest db and I am very optimistic that sometime it will even surpass the "one-and-only" E-film in stability and functionality.

    Thanks for your ideas concerning useful features. They completely match with my vision of a good workstation and this is definitely the way, I intend K-PACS to go to.

    I would be thankful for any help with the developement. K-PACS is completely written in delphi but I plan to give C++ a try, although I am not a C-programmer, but all DCMTK libraries are written in C++.

    Currently I'am in need of help for implementing dicom print into K-PACS. There are some DCMTK tools for doing this, but we don't have a dicom compliant printer to test on . If you have experience in this subject, I would be glad to hear from you.


    I could allow resizing down to a resolution of 900x700. Below that some controls would lap. I disabled this option, because the query form in the back somehow confused my colleages. The viewer is designed as a modal form, which means that the main (query) form is disabled when the viewer is active. So, if you minimize the viewer you can not use the main form, although you see it. I plan to restructure the program to be able of real multitasking, but right now you have to live with it if you wish sizeable forms.
    I am considering to allow sizing in the next update version.


    Hello Bob,

    I know that the toolbar at the bottom is somehow oblique, but it seemed to be the best solution for low resolution monitors (1024x768).
    I will realize a fixed toolbar and/or configurable position of the toolbar in future versions.


    Hello Bob,

    it maybe escaped your notice, but K-PACS already has it's own viewing solution. If you double-click on a study in the grid you will see the single images. Right now, you can zoom, quick-zoom, window, measure and pan images. Rotation and annotation will follow in updates shortly.


    Hello Bob,

    At first, K-PACS is not intended to be a server solution. It can only handle up to a 1000 patients and is not dicom queryable. It's main field of application is server communication and diagnostics. A typical radiology setup would be: a real dicom server application (ConquestDicom is really recommendable, because it's easy to install, very stable and above all, it's free), one or more dicom capable modalities and one ore more diagnostic workstations like K-PACS. The local database is thought to be a cache for the most recent studies. If you turn of filemanagement, you could use the local database for instance as an 'interesting-case collection' or other kinds of small databases like that, but it is defenitely not usable as a big dicom server.

    To the marking of already read images: I am currently working on it. It will be realized in the way, DicomWorks does it (differently colored patient names for read and unread).


    Hello Dr. Khattar,

    thanks for you interest. Dicom print is definitely one of the next big things I plan to work on. Fortunately, a dicom print SCU and SCP tool is already realized within the DCMTK from OFFIS. So, I think, you will have to wait about one or two month until K-PACS will support it. In the upcomming update V0.9.1.2, a Windows Print option will be already implemented.


    1. Rigth-click on the 'Export' button

    2. select 'security' in the popup menu
    here you can choose 'encryption' or/and 'anonymization'
    type in a password in case you chose encryption. Click on 'Accept' to save settings

    3. Rigth-click again on 'Export' and select 'compression'
    You can choose between 4 compression levels: uncompressed (not recommended for e-mailing), light compression (lossless, CR about 2.5:1), medium compression (lossy, CR about 4:1) and strong (lossy, CR about 6:1). Click 'Accept' to save settings.

    4. Rigth-click again on 'Export' and select 'manage e-mail addresses'.
    Type in all the receipients addresses and click on 'Accept'

    5. Finally select the study you want to send in the study grid and left-click on 'Export'. K-PACS will compress, encrypt and anonymize in dependence on your settings. In the e-mail dialog select your receipients name, type in concern and check if settings are correct. Sorry for the german words in the english version, i simply forgott to localize them. I promisse to fix it as soon as possible. For now: ja = yes, nein = no, leicht=light, mittel=medium, hoch(stark)=strong.

    6. Click on 'Accept' to call your standard e-mail program (probably outlook or outlook express). It will show you the ready-to-send email. Check if everything is correct and click on 'send'. That's it.

    Btw.: you don't have to select security, compression or the e-mail manager every time you send an email. Just do it once and change it if you wish a different method.

    For teleradiology testing: if your partner uses k-pacs as well, he simply needs to import the received e-mail attachments (see 'K-PACS how to's: Import). K-PACS will automatically uncompress and (after entering the right password) decode all images. If your partner does not use K-PACS, you should not encode your images with K-PACS, because the encoding method is proprietory and no other program will be able to decode them. In this case you should use a different encoding method like PGP.


    Hello Robert,

    Modification of the dicom header is not implemented yet, but will be possible with the next update. I think I will release it next week.
    I will post a short instruction as a 'how to' topic after release.


    Hello Robert,

    Welcome to the K-PACS community, you are member no. 1!! (beside me)

    As I understand, you downloaded the kpacs.exe and copied it then to the /bin folder. If so, this ist a mistake. Kpacs.exe is just a bugfix. You have to download KPInstall.exe and copy it to the /bin folder. This is the install shield which will take care of the installation process. Without using it, you will never be able to start k-pacs.

    I hope I could help,


    I'm currently working on the dicom modify function. I think this function will be included in the next update. After modifying tag values in local mode, the modality item will be yellow instead of green to indicate, that it was modified. You can send the modified study back to the original server to overwrite it there, if this server supports overwriting in case of matching UIDS.
    Added fixed values for zooming, e.g. 1:1 (original)
    Support for printing on windows printers with preview and configurable layout.

    bug fixes in V0.9.1.2
    1. Export to .jpg and .bmp now in original resolution and current window.
    2. Fix irregular viewer crash on close.
    3. Change case sensitive search in local mode to case insensitive as in dicom mode
    4. Fix failure to show first study when multiselecting studies and the second selected is local while the first selected one is not.
    5. Fix irregular hang up of meassurement and zooming tool.

    That's all for now,

    Thank you all for your interest in my software. I hope there are no big problems with it at the moment. If not, feel free to report bugs in the bugs-forum or e-mail me. I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

    :D Have a nice time
