Posts by marcelvanherk


    I was on vacation therefore I am late.

    I used postgres 8.1. But the string should be truncated by the server before it goes into postgres. You did knot by any change edit dicom.sql after creating the database?

    All olders versions are in the same FTP directory.



    here are some reported bugs in 1.4.13beta.

    1) 100% cpu load while waiting for 10 minute delay of "forward xxx to". Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    2) 10 minute delay of "forward xxx to" should be configurable. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    3) unfortunatly when I am trying to install conquest server on multiple port as per the instruction in the manual. its giving me a error " "5678" is not valid intiger" and not installing the server on multiple port. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    4) quotes in in manual are smart quotes that will fail when copied and pasted into dicom.ini. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    5) I have tried using the new substring functionality of the beta and it works well except that the actual name of the file (not dirs) always comes out as the first 24 chars of the SOPInstanceID, not matter what I use as a string. (May be related to 128 char limit of FileNameSyntax string itself). Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    6) date fields are not truncated: may cause sql error. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    7) check error handling postgres driver. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    8 ) Receiving single Dicom objects greater than about 500 MB causes the server to crash and/or stop working. Drag and drop of those files causes similar problems. Memory errors are reorted and stop the server in final release 1.4.13.

    9) It appears that if you use %callingae in the FileNameSyntax, the full 16 characters are written into the filename. If there are fewer characters in the AE Title, then ConQuest uses the extra spaces reports that it has Written file: C:\dicomserver\data\MG\RPYC_PHYIM02 \physics^gridfactor\study845\s2492-i4-000e.dcm for example - notice the gap between IM02 and \physics. However, the files beneath the AE Title folder are never written, and that folder does not have the extra spaces. My syntax is as follows: FileNameSyntax = %modality\%callingae\%name\study%studyid\s%seriesid-i%imagenum-%counter.dcm. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    10) can dgate -- commands get a meaningful exit code? Open.

    11) look into correctness of metaheaders in dcm and v2 files. V2 files do not contain a metaheader nor group lengths which is OK. DCM files contain a valid metaheader and contain group lenghts except for group 8 - this is a bug. Open.

    12) When there is a space in the server directory name, printer_files is filled but not cleaned. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.

    13) %u and %c do not work in im- and exportconverters. Fixed in final release 1.4.13.



    There should be no need (and it is dangerous) to change the field width: the data should be truncated while producing an error message. Apparantly there is something wrong with the postgres error message handling that locks up dgate.exe - dgate -v -r definitively worked before. Please compare the 1.4.13alpha and the previous version to see if that fixes it. Postgress was working correctly in older versions (but not recently tested).

    Note: this is a linux only problem.



    as long as you do not change the patient ID (NEVER DO THAT) or any UIDs, you can change the images on k-pacs and send them from k-pacs to conquest. It will then update the images and the database. I cannot answer your k-pacs question.



    You can edit dicom.sql as you like it to add more fields. You should look at the dicom standard to know in which table they go, but I expect most of your required fields would go into the IMAGE table. In any case leave the first and last field in the first and last place, and just add things to not break existing functionality. After editing dicom.sql the database MUST be regenerated.
