Posts by scoots39

    Hello All,
    Anyone out there familiar with and "playing" with the source code ? I am looking into re-enabling (and re-compiling) the virtual query for modality worklist. I was looking at the code last night and can NOT for the life of me see where/how it is disabled - but I am complete C++ hack. The VirtualQuery function appears to contain all the parameters to support the functionality including:

    if (strncmp(Level, "PATIENT", 7)==0) level=1;
    else if (strncmp(Level, "STUDY", 5)==0) level=2;
    else if (strncmp(Level, "SERIES", 6)==0) level=3;
    else if (strncmp(Level, "IMAGE", 5)==0) level=4;
    else if (strncmp(Level, "WORKLIST",8)==0) level=5;

    I guess I naively expected to find something like last line commented out to dis-able it. I see from the source comments that it was disabled in v1.14.11.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    An application where Conquest acting as a virtual MWL router would be helpful would be where the hospital MWL server CAN NOT function in promiscuous mode - but Conquest can.
    Our current, "new" MWL provider requires each querying entity be registered with it's AE Title and IP address. This is very impractical, if not useless, for several of our distributed applications that functioned marvelously with dynamic IPs and generic AE_Titles. A single Conquest virtual MVL server/router/forwarders, with its static IP and AE_Title that could then route MWL queries to these applications would solve our problem with the new MWL.
    Is it possible to add this "feature" to the wish list?


    Is there a method to add fields (non-DICOM attributes) to the database - i.e. add a "status" field to the Studies table? I can add is manually (SQL Management Studio) but even "Clear Image Database" appears to reconstruction the database as defined by dicom.sql.

    Is it safe to use the qSpare field in the Studies table for a something like this?


    Hello Marcel,
    Can you provide more detail on the inter play between ForwardCollectDelay and the 'after NN' in the process script command? If ForwardCollectDelay = 0 and

    ExportConverter0 = process study after 20 by notepad.exe

    the converter appears to fire every 20sec during the reception of data from the same study - it does not appear to wait until 20 seconds AFTER the reception is complete. If ForwardCollectDelay = 600 and after NN flag removed, the converter appears to wait the 600 seconds and fires.


    I am looking for a method to trigger or alert an external application after a Study has been successfully sent to Conquest. I was testing with the 'process' command. Should the following have worked:

    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = process study after 300 append "%b%n" to E:\incoming.txt

    I am assuming that the manual's reference to 'command' in the scripting section means Conquest script commands, not external to Conquest commands - correct?

    Thanks, Scott

    Interestlingly, I turned on the debugging in the production v1.4.15 and found a reference for the connecting IP. Have that turned on now and monitoring. Thanks for the converter link.
    BTW, what does "multiplex: connection terminated" actually mean? Know it causes problems (for us at least) during a receive and forward, but haven't found a definition.

    Is this debug version fairly stable? I've had the multiplex issue intermittently and would like to figure out what is happening, but need to not bring the lab to a hault.
    Regards, Scott

    We have run across an issue where our MRI analysis application will load/display/analize data if read directly from the CD, but if the data is imported into Conquest (v1.4.14 or v1.4.15) the application displays blank images. We have been informed by the vender that the issue is that the Conquest version does not include a length value for (0088,0200) and that the app does not know "where" to find the pixel data.

    I have used the Offis dcmdump app to produce the following:

    Image data from CD: (not the entire sequence is not included here)

    (0088,0200) SQ (Sequence with explicit length #=1) # 5054, 1 IconImageSequence
    (fffe,e000) na (Item with explicit length #=15) # 5046, 1 Item
    (0028,0002) US 1 # 2, 1 SamplesPerPixel
    (0028,0004) CS [PALETTE COLOR] # 14, 1 PhotometricInterpretation
    (0028,0010) US 64 # 2, 1 Rows
    (0028,0011) US 64 # 2, 1 Columns
    (0028,0100) US 8 # 2, 1 BitsAllocated
    (0028,0101) US 8 # 2, 1 BitsStored
    (0028,0102) US 7 # 2, 1 HighBit
    (0028,0103) US 0 # 2, 1 PixelRepresentation
    (0028,1101) US 256\0\8 # 6, 3 RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor
    (0028,1102) US 256\0\8 # 6, 3 GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor
    (0028,1103) US 256\0\8 # 6, 3 BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor

    Image data from Conquest v1.4.15:

    (0088,0200) SQ (Sequence with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 IconImageSequence
    (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=15) # u/l, 1 Item
    (0028,0002) US 1 # 2, 1 SamplesPerPixel
    (0028,0004) CS [PALETTE COLOR] # 14, 1 PhotometricInterpretation
    (0028,0010) US 64 # 2, 1 Rows
    (0028,0011) US 64 # 2, 1 Columns
    (0028,0100) US 8 # 2, 1 BitsAllocated
    (0028,0101) US 8 # 2, 1 BitsStored
    (0028,0102) US 7 # 2, 1 HighBit
    (0028,0103) US 0 # 2, 1 PixelRepresentation
    (0028,1101) US 256\0\8 # 6, 3 RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor
    (0028,1102) US 256\0\8 # 6, 3 GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor
    (0028,1103) US 256\0\8 # 6, 3 BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor

    Our work around for the moment is to use an import converter to remove the entire (0088,0200) VR and the application will properly load and display the image sets.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks you,

    Can an InportConvert create and/or modify a VR sequence? If so, could you provide an example of how to add script to create:

    ----->(0018,0000) = "14"
    ----->(0018,0031) = "Rb-82"


    Also, the manual list command as 'I', 'E' or 'IE'. Does this indicate the 'I' commands will run in "ImportConverterN = " script elements, 'E's require "ExportConverterN = " and 'IE's will run with either "ImportConverter = " or "ExportConverter = "?

    Thank you. Conquest is a fantastic tool - your work and time is greatly appreciated.

    Looks like I have been using Conquest (for years now) under a few false assumptions regarding the list. I have allows pictured that the list controlled which nodes could receive data from a Conquest server via a C-Move request. I assumed that Conquest answered any query request (promiscuous mode) but would not "honor" a request for a C-Move operation if the node was not in the list. I think the header of ("Known DICOM providers" tab) is mis-leading in this regard.

    I was suprised (embarrassed) that I did not understand this aspect of the server. I'm guessing this has not been raised as an issue before now. I guess I'm feeling a little awkward about you changing the code (doing more work) because of my ignorance.

    Best regards,

    I don't use hostnames in my files. Here is one of mine:

    CONQUESTNM 5678 un
    CONQUESTNC 5679 un
    CONQUESTQC 5680 un
    ESOFTNMPR1 104 un
    ESOFTNMPR2 104 un
    ESOFTNMPR3 104 un
    ESOFTNMP 104 un
    ESOFTPET 104 un
    ESOFTDEMO 104 un
    PHYSICS 104 un
    NCRESEARCH 5680 un
    ESOFT551 104 un
    GEPACS 4100 un
    KPACS15 5678 un
    NUCMEDPC1 104 un
    LEONMPR1 104 un
    LEONMPR2 104 un
    PETCTACQ 104 un
    PETCTPROC 104 un
    ICONP 104 un
    CONQUESTNMB 5678 un

    Here is an example from the status.log of a C-Move to a node not in the list....

    [CONQUESTNM] UPACS THREAD 177: STARTED AT: Fri Dec 19 15:14:16 2008
    [CONQUESTNM] Calling Application Title : "TURBONMPR1 "
    [CONQUESTNM] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTNM "
    [CONQUESTNM] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 32768
    [CONQUESTNM] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTNM] C-Move Destination: "TURBONMPR1"
    [CONQUESTNM] Number of Images to send: 3
    [CONQUESTNM] C-Move (StudyRoot)
    [CONQUESTNM] UPACS THREAD 175: ENDED AT: Fri Dec 19 15:14:16 2008
    [CONQUESTNM] Sending file : F:\conquestnmdcm\0102647537\\\
    [CONQUESTNM] Sending file : F:\conquestnmdcm\0102647537\\\
    [CONQUESTNM] Sending file : F:\conquestnmdcm\0102647537\\\
    [CONQUESTNM] C-Move (StudyRoot)
    [CONQUESTNM] UPACS THREAD 177: ENDED AT: Fri Dec 19 15:14:17 2008

    Do you mean, if the hostname of the destination is known to the windows system hosting a conquest server (i.e. in the hosts table) then any AE_Title on that system is a "valid" C-Move destination? Can I disable this? This would seem to indicate that any system that uses the same windows workgroup could retrieve data from the conquest server - correct?

    Can't be said enough - great work gentlemen. Thank you.
    I recently migrated to new hardware and upgraded to v1.4.14. I simply copied the files from the original servers - three instanances of Conquest - to the new system. This week we installed four new workstations in the department and included the Conquest servers in their node list. Strangely, I am able to query/retrieve data from the Conquest servers even though I have not added these nodes to Conquest lists. The install team tested query/retrieve before I had a change to add the new nodes to the lists. I have not used wildcards in the lists. This was very unexpected.
    Has anyone else witnessed this? Conquest operating in promiscuous mode?
    Thanks, Scott

    Thanks Marcel, just a thought.
    Any thoughts on how the data becomes malformed - at the sending side when orginally sent to Conquest, from a file copy error, etc.? If the file malformed in its current state what are the options for fixing it to allow inclusion in the system - move from its current location, regen the data directory, then drag an drop back into Conquest?
    Thanks, Scott

    Building a new Conquest server with Win2k3, 4GB RAM, MSSQL2005, Conquest 1.4.13 and ran into the out-of-memory error during a regen of an approximately 500GB worth of data. Wondering if most of these errors are occurring with MSSQL and which versions? Is there a minimum available memory threshold compiled into dgate.exe?
    I have three Conquest instances running on one server. I started the regen of the first and ran into the out-of-memory error. Rather than digging for malformed DICOM files, I started a regen of the second instance.
    I was watching the taskmager, the amount of CPU utilization and Memery Usage and noted that while dgate.exe and ConquestDICOMServer.exe mem usage remained fairly constant (5-8MB), sqlservr.exe memory usage continued to increase. I left my office with sqlservr.exe mem usage up to 1.5+GB and will find out Monday if this regen also failed.
    The SQL databases are stored on two 36GB Ultra320 drives in a RAID-1 mirror - should be more that fast enough. But, I am wondering if the continuous increase in mem usage is being caused by MSSQL not being able write to the database fast enough compared to dgate's ability to read the DICOM data?
    Thanks, Scott

    Sorry for the delayed response.
    It looks like the issue is the attempted display of a series generated by one of Siemens third party applications. These are encoded as "Results" files and generally do not display in the browser as anything - at times the browser will display the header in the window, other times a series of offset vertical lines. I don't expect them to display, given communication with the vender. It is not a problem that they do not display and has not been an issue on our clincal Conquest systems.
    The access violation appeared on one of my research systems and it appears only with these Results files generated for data from a few specific nuclear medicine devices. And from somewhat legacy version of the third party processing software.
    Short story long, disabling the bit map display with LargeFileSizeKB = 1 solves the problem.