Posts by hammad

    Marcel thanks for the prompt reply. I might not be able to explain my question. Filesyntax are working fine for me as you described in your last posting.

    I want to make some things dynamic instead of hard coding just like MAGDevice. With you help i had modified the lua script and now i can save images on the basis of institution and further on Modality. This is working fine. But all these configuration is hard coded and i also have to keep in mind the limitation of MAG devices i can define is 9 whereas Importconvertors are 0 to 99. To overcome this limitation i had configure MAG Devices on the name of hospitals and this is working fine. For my Management i further drill down to sagerate on the basis of modality.

    I am using this lua script in my dicom.ini

    ImportConverter0 = if ( (Data.InstitutionName == 'ABC') and (Data.Modality=='CT')) then Data.Storage='MAG3 'print ('I am in institution name 2 block') else print ('I am in else block') end;

    Here MAG3 is hard coded. I had use everything which i think was logically possible like defining a variable named path and then concat it modality type like

    path = MAG6; and also i use this path = "E:\ABC\";

    ...... Data.Storage=MAG6..'CT' or ...... Data.Storage=MAG6..Data.Modality or...... ...... Data.Storage=path..'CT' or Data.Storage=path..Data.Modality or ..... ...... Data.Storage=MAG6..'%m' or or ..... ...... Data.Storage=path..''%m'

    none of the commands work for me . On debugging it treats MAG6 as string not reading its path it simply prints MAG6/CT.

    Some how you guide me how can i get the value of MAG Device in a lua script. I had read the windows manual and also searched forum but no supportive post was found.

    Okie. But can you guide me how can i do the following in lua script .

    MAGDevice1 = E:\QIH\

    I simply want to cat Modality Data Type with MAG Device.

    ImportConverter0 = if Data.InstitutionName == 'ABC' and Data.Modality=='CT' then Data.Storage='MAG1'..'CT' end;

    But this throw error as server takes MAG1 as a string not drive root folder path.


    MAGDevice1 = E:\QIH\CT\
    MAGDevice6 = E:\QIH\

    ImportConverter0 = if Data.InstitutionName == 'ABC'and Data.Modality=='CT' then Data.Storage='MAG6' end;

    This is working fine with your guidance. Can you guide me how can i add Modality at the end of MAG. Instead of defining MAG1 i will prefer to use MAG6... But you will add CT at the end of MAG6. So that images are saved in E:\QIH\CT\ (Folder CT was already created.)

    Hi Marcel

    Can you guide me how can i achieve this :-

    I am saving studies on Patients on basis of Hospital Name in separate folders defined in dicom.ini. Now i want to further drill down and make sub folders on basis of modality. like

    Hospital A
    |_ CT
    |_ MRI
    |_ CR

    Hospital B
    |_ CT
    |_ MRI
    |_ CR

    I tried following import convertor but i got the error
    * lua syntax error [string "if Data.InstitutionName == 'ABC Hospital' then"]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>' in 'if Data.InstitutionName == 'ABC' then'
    [PACS] Importconverter-1.0: sets preferred storage to MAG6

    my dicom.ini file is :

    MAGDevice0 = E:\images\
    MAGDevice1 = E:\ABC\CT\
    MAGDevice2 = E:\UMC\
    MAGDevice3 = E:\hY9\
    MAGDevice4 = E:\LAT\
    MAGDevice5 = E:\dPJ\
    MAGDevice6 = E:\ABC\

    global = print ('hello world');

    ImportConverter0 = if Data.InstitutionName == 'ABC' then
    if Data.Modality=='CT'
    Data.Storage='MAG1' end;

    and secondly instead of defining separate MAG Devices like MAGDevice1 = E:\ABC\CT\ is it possible that i simple define MAGDevice1 = E:\ABC\ and modality wise folders liek CT, MRI are created runtime.

    Please guide...

    Appended below is conquest log

    20140705 11:24:34 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:34 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:34 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:34 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:34 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7
    20140705 11:24:34 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:34 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:34 9999,0300 24 LO ConquestConsoleText "set debug level from GUI"
    20140705 11:24:34 9999,0400 12 LO ConquestConsoleComma "debuglevel:2"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:34 set debug level from GUI
    20140705 11:24:35 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:35 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:35 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:35 9999,0300 24 LO ConquestConsoleText "set debug level from GUI"
    20140705 11:24:35 9999,0400 12 LO ConquestConsoleComma "debuglevel:3"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:35 set debug level from GUI
    20140705 11:24:35 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:35 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7
    20140705 11:24:35 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:35 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:35 9999,0300 24 LO ConquestConsoleText "set debug level from GUI"
    20140705 11:24:35 9999,0400 12 LO ConquestConsoleComma "debuglevel:4"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:35 set debug level from GUI
    20140705 11:24:39 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 UPACS THREAD 8: STARTED AT: Sat Jul 05 11:24:39 2014
    20140705 11:24:39 A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Calling Application Title : "WEASIS "
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Called Application Title : "PACS "
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    20140705 11:24:39 Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 6
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 2 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 3 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 4 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 5 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    20140705 11:24:39 Server Command := 0020
    20140705 11:24:39 Message ID := 0001
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0002 28 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008."
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 32
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0700 2 US Priority 0
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 0
    20140705 11:24:39 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 (StudyRootQuery) search level: STUDY
    20140705 11:24:39 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0020 0 DA StudyDate (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0030 0 TM StudyTime (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0050 0 SH AccessionNumber (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0052 6 CS QueryRetrieveLevel "STUDY "
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0090 0 PN ReferringPhysicianNa (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,1030 0 LO StudyDescription (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0010 0 PN PatientName (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0020 14 LO PatientID "11788759296811"
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0021 0 LO IssuerOfPatientID (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0030 0 DA PatientBirthDate (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0040 0 CS PatientSex (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000d 0 UI StudyInstanceUID (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,0010 0 SH StudyID (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,1206 0 IS NumberOfStudyRelated (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,1208 0 IS NumberOfStudyRelated (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 Query On Study
    20140705 11:24:39 Queried item 0010 0021 is not in the database
    20140705 11:24:39 Issue Query on Columns: DICOMStudies.StudyDate, DICOMStudies.StudyTime, DICOMStudies.AccessionN, DICOMStudies.ReferPhysi, DICOMStudies.StudyDescr, DICOMStudies.PatientNam, DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.PatientBir, DICOMStudies.PatientSex, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta, DICOMStudies.StudyID
    20140705 11:24:39 Values: DICOMStudies.PatientID = '11788759296811'
    20140705 11:24:39 Tables: DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Sorting (DICOMStudies.PatientNam) DoSort := 1
    20140705 11:24:39 Query Distinct Tables: DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Columns : DICOMStudies.StudyDate, DICOMStudies.StudyTime, DICOMStudies.AccessionN, DICOMStudies.ReferPhysi, DICOMStudies.StudyDescr, DICOMStudies.PatientNam, DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.PatientBir, DICOMStudies.PatientSex, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta, DICOMStudies.StudyID
    20140705 11:24:39 Where : DICOMStudies.PatientID = '11788759296811'
    20140705 11:24:39 Order : DICOMStudies.PatientNam
    20140705 11:24:39 Query On Series
    20140705 11:24:39 Issue Query on Columns: COUNT(1)
    20140705 11:24:39 Values: DICOMStudies.StudyDate = '20010101' and DICOMStudies.StudyTime = '113402' and DICOMStudies.AccessionN = '11788759296818' and DICOMStudies.ReferPhysi = 'Dr. Anonymous' and DICOMStudies.StudyDescr = 'MRT Sakroiliakalgelenke' and DICOMStudies.PatientNam = 'Fall 1' and DICOMStudies.PatientID = '11788759296811' and DICOMStudies.PatientBir = '19000101' and DICOMStudies.PatientSex = 'O' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMStudies.StudyID = '11788759296812' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    20140705 11:24:39 Tables: DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Records = 1
    20140705 11:24:39 Query On Image
    20140705 11:24:39 Issue Query on Columns: COUNT(1)
    20140705 11:24:39 Values: DICOMStudies.StudyDate = '20010101' and DICOMStudies.StudyTime = '113402' and DICOMStudies.AccessionN = '11788759296818' and DICOMStudies.ReferPhysi = 'Dr. Anonymous' and DICOMStudies.StudyDescr = 'MRT Sakroiliakalgelenke' and DICOMStudies.PatientNam = 'Fall 1' and DICOMStudies.PatientID = '11788759296811' and DICOMStudies.PatientBir = '19000101' and DICOMStudies.PatientSex = 'O' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMStudies.StudyID = '11788759296812' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst
    20140705 11:24:39 Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Records = 31
    20140705 11:24:39 Records = 1
    20140705 11:24:39 First record of cleaned response:
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0020 8 DA StudyDate "20010101"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0030 6 TM StudyTime "113402"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0050 14 SH AccessionNumber "11788759296818"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0090 14 PN ReferringPhysicianNa "Dr. Anonymous "
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,1030 24 LO StudyDescription "MRT Sakroiliakalgelenke "
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0010 6 PN PatientName "Fall 1"
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0020 14 LO PatientID "11788759296811"
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0030 8 DA PatientBirthDate "19000101"
    20140705 11:24:39 0010,0040 2 CS PatientSex "O "
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000d 46 UI StudyInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,0010 14 SH StudyID "11788759296812"
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,1206 2 IS NumberOfStudyRelated "1 "
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,1208 2 IS NumberOfStudyRelated "31"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 C-Find (StudyRoot) located 1 records
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 UPACS THREAD 8: ENDED AT: Sat Jul 05 11:24:39 2014
    20140705 11:24:39 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 UPACS THREAD 9: STARTED AT: Sat Jul 05 11:24:39 2014
    20140705 11:24:39 A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Calling Application Title : "WEASIS "
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Called Application Title : "PACS "
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    20140705 11:24:39 Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 4
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 2 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 3 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    20140705 11:24:39 Server Command := 0020
    20140705 11:24:39 Message ID := 0001
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0002 28 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008."
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 32
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0700 2 US Priority 0
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 0
    20140705 11:24:39 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 (StudyRootQuery) search level: SERIES
    20140705 11:24:39 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0052 6 CS QueryRetrieveLevel "SERIES"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0060 0 CS Modality (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,103e 0 LO SeriesDescription (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000d 46 UI StudyInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000e 0 UI SeriesInstanceUID (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,0011 0 IS SeriesNumber (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,1209 0 IS NumberOfSeriesRelate (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 Query On Series
    20140705 11:24:39 Issue Query on Columns: DICOMSeries.Modality, DICOMSeries.SeriesDesc, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMSeries.SeriesNumb, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    20140705 11:24:39 Values: DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    20140705 11:24:39 Tables: DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Query Distinct Tables: DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Columns : DICOMSeries.Modality, DICOMSeries.SeriesDesc, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMSeries.SeriesNumb, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    20140705 11:24:39 Where : DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    20140705 11:24:39 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:39 Query On Image
    20140705 11:24:39 Issue Query on Columns: COUNT(1)
    20140705 11:24:39 Values: DICOMSeries.Modality = 'MR' and DICOMSeries.SeriesDesc LIKE 'Rheuma %ISG/THRI/KM' and DICOMSeries.SeriesInst = '' and DICOMSeries.SeriesNumb = '601' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst
    20140705 11:24:39 Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Records = 31
    20140705 11:24:39 Records = 1
    20140705 11:24:39 First record of cleaned response:
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0060 2 CS Modality "MR"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,103e 24 LO SeriesDescription "Rheuma *ISG/THRI/KM "
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000d 46 UI StudyInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000e 46 UI SeriesInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,0011 4 IS SeriesNumber "601 "
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,1209 2 IS NumberOfSeriesRelate "31"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 C-Find (StudyRoot) located 1 records
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 UPACS THREAD 9: ENDED AT: Sat Jul 05 11:24:39 2014
    20140705 11:24:39 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:39 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 UPACS THREAD 10: STARTED AT: Sat Jul 05 11:24:39 2014
    20140705 11:24:39 A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Calling Application Title : "WEASIS "
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Called Application Title : "PACS "
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    20140705 11:24:39 Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 4
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 2 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 Presentation Context 3 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    20140705 11:24:39 Server Command := 0020
    20140705 11:24:39 Message ID := 0001
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0002 28 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008."
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 32
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0700 2 US Priority 0
    20140705 11:24:39 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 0
    20140705 11:24:39 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 (StudyRootQuery) search level: IMAGE
    20140705 11:24:39 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0016 0 UI SOPClassUID (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0018 0 UI SOPInstanceUID (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0052 6 CS QueryRetrieveLevel "IMAGE "
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000d 46 UI StudyInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000e 46 UI SeriesInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,0013 0 IS InstanceNumber (empty)
    20140705 11:24:39 Query On Image
    20140705 11:24:39 Issue Query on Columns: DICOMImages.SOPClassUI, DICOMImages.SOPInstanc, DICOMImages.ImageNumbe, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    20140705 11:24:39 Values: DICOMSeries.SeriesInst = '' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst
    20140705 11:24:39 Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Query Distinct Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    20140705 11:24:39 Columns : DICOMImages.SOPClassUI, DICOMImages.SOPInstanc, DICOMImages.ImageNumbe, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    20140705 11:24:39 Where : DICOMSeries.SeriesInst = '' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst
    20140705 11:24:39 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:39 Records = 31
    20140705 11:24:39 First record of cleaned response:
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0016 26 UI SOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008."
    20140705 11:24:39 0008,0018 46 UI SOPInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000d 46 UI StudyInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,000e 46 UI SeriesInstanceUID ""
    20140705 11:24:39 0020,0013 2 IS InstanceNumber "9 "
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 C-Find (StudyRoot) located 31 records
    [PACS] 20140705 11:24:39 UPACS THREAD 10: ENDED AT: Sat Jul 05 11:24:39 2014
    20140705 11:24:55 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:55 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:55 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:55 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:55 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:55 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:55 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:55 9999,0400 186 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/70,256/256,,image/jpeg,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:55 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:55 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010020.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601002f.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601003e.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601002f.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010027.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:56 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010023.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010036.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010032.dcm
    20140705 11:24:56 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:56 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:56 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:56 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:56 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:56 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:56 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:56 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:56 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601002b.dcm
    20140705 11:24:58 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:58 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:58 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:58 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:58 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:58 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:58 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:58 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:58 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:58 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:58 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601003a.dcm
    20140705 11:24:58 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:58 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:58 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:58 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:58 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:58 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:58 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:58 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010021.dcm
    20140705 11:24:58 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:58 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:58 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:58 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:58 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:58 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:58 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:58 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:58 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010025.dcm
    20140705 11:24:58 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:58 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:58 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:58 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:58 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:58 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:58 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:58 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:58 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010029.dcm
    20140705 11:24:59 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:59 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:59 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:59 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:59 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:59 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:59 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:59 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:59 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601002d.dcm
    20140705 11:24:59 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:59 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:59 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:59 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:59 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:59 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:59 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:59 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:59 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:59 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010038.dcm
    20140705 11:24:59 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:59 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:59 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:59 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:59 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:59 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:59 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:59 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:59 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010030.dcm
    20140705 11:24:59 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:59 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:59 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:59 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:59 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:59 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:59 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:59 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010034.dcm
    20140705 11:24:59 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:24:59 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:24:59 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:24:59 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:24:59 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:24:59 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:24:59 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:24:59 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:24:59 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:24:59 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601003c.dcm
    20140705 11:25:00 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:00 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:00 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:00 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:00 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:00 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:00 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:00 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:00 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:00 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010022.dcm
    20140705 11:25:00 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:00 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:00 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:00 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:00 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:00 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:00 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:00 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010024.dcm
    20140705 11:25:00 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:00 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:00 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:00 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:00 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:00 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:00 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:00 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:00 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010026.dcm
    20140705 11:25:00 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:00 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:00 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:00 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:00 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:00 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:00 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:00 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:00 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:00 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010028.dcm
    20140705 11:25:01 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:01 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:01 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:01 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:01 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:01 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:01 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:01 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:01 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:01 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601002a.dcm
    20140705 11:25:01 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:01 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:01 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:01 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:01 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:01 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:01 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:01 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:01 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601002c.dcm
    20140705 11:25:01 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:01 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:01 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:01 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:01 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:01 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:01 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:01 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:01 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601002e.dcm
    20140705 11:25:01 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:01 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:01 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:01 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:01 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:01 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:01 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:01 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010031.dcm
    20140705 11:25:01 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:01 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:01 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:01 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:01 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:01 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:01 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:01 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:01 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010033.dcm
    20140705 11:25:01 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:01 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:01 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:01 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:01 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:01 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:01 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:01 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:01 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:01 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:01 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010039.dcm
    20140705 11:25:02 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:02 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:02 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:02 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:02 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:02 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:02 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:02 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:02 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010037.dcm
    20140705 11:25:02 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:02 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:02 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:02 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:02 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:02 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:02 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:02 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:02 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\06010035.dcm
    20140705 11:25:02 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:02 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:02 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:02 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:02 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:02 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:02 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:02 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601003b.dcm
    20140705 11:25:02 Connected by address: 0100007f
    20140705 11:25:02 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    20140705 11:25:02 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    20140705 11:25:02 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    20140705 11:25:02 9999,0400 188 LO ConquestConsoleComma "wadorequest:\\\\,0/0/0/0,0/0,,application/dicom,,,,"
    20140705 11:25:02 Query Tables: DICOMImages
    20140705 11:25:02 Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    20140705 11:25:02 Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND SeriesInst = ''
    20140705 11:25:02 Order : (null)
    20140705 11:25:02 Locating file:MAG1 20010101\11788759296811-(Fall_1)\Rheuma______ISG_THRI_KM\0601003d.dcm

    Attached is the java console log

    DEBUG: Bundle weasis-dicom-sr [16] org/weasis/dicom/sr/ not found by weasis-dicom-sr [16]
    DEBUG: Bundle weasis-base-viewer2d [14] org/weasis/base/viewer2d/ not found by weasis-base-viewer2d [14]
    05.07.2014 11:32:21.963 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager Downloading WADO references: file:/C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/weasis-Administrator.586A3E5A/wado_3466725051552341631.xml
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.123 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager [Validate with XSD schema] wado_query is valid
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.153 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager Adding new patient: Fall 1
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.183 *INFO* [pool-3-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries Downloading series of Fall 1 []
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.504 *INFO* [AWT-EventQueue-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.DicomExplorer Add series:
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.684 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.724 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.744 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.754 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.764 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:22.764 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.014 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.014 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.245 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.255 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.265 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.265 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.275 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.285 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.495 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.505 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.615 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.625 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.705 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.715 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.815 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.815 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.856 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:23.856 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.026 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.026 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.186 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.186 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.306 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.306 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.386 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.386 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.426 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.436 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.627 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.637 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.687 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.687 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.847 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.847 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.847 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:24.847 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.037 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.037 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.087 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.097 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.237 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.237 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.248 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.248 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.418 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.418 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.548 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.548 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.638 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.638 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.728 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.738 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-4]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.798 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.798 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.798 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries End of downloading…tType=application%2Fdicom
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.808 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-2]() org.weasis.dicom.codec.DicomMediaIO null
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.848 *INFO* [AWT-EventQueue-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.DicomModel Remove Patient: Fall 1
    05.07.2014 11:32:25.848 *INFO* [AWT-EventQueue-2]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.DicomModel Remove Study: Jan 1, 1970 11:34:02 AM


    I have successfully configured weasis with conquest and it worked fine till version 1.2.9.

    When i upgraded the version to Weasis 2.0.viewer (weasis interface is loaded), the weasis viewer shows that it is loading images but after sometime all the thumbnails are disappeared and i have blank screen. If i downgrade to 1.2.9 it works fine. I am using conquest version 1.4.7. Please guide.


    If i use the following commands the images are not stored in the required location which i configured in the dicom.ini file.

    dgate.exe -p5678 -q127.0.0.1 --addimagefile:E:\upload\12295-(M_ZEESHAN).zip

    dgate.exe -p5678 -q127.0.0.1 --addlocalfile:E:\upload\12295-(M_ZEESHAN).zip

    Secondly, tell me the command you told me servercommand('prefetch ....') please tell me the complete syntax of the command. Should it be like

    dgate,exe servercommand('prefetch ....'). Is this syntax correct.



    If i use the following commands the images are not stored in the required location.

    dgate.exe -p5678 -q127.0.0.1 --addimagefile:E:\upload\12295-(M_ZEESHAN).zip

    dgate.exe -p5678 -q127.0.0.1 --addlocalfile:E:\upload\12295-(M_ZEESHAN).zip

    Can you guide me how can i use the following command in lua script. That must be executed every time user retrieve images from server

    dgate.exe -p5678 -q127.0.0.1 --prefetch:12-34-56

    I want to add study description option in this.


    Thanks Marcel after deleting the patient and sending it again its saved now. Will now test it again for different hospital names

    1. How many MAG Devices can i add?
    2. I had 15 hospitals now and more will be added in the near future. How i will add more than 9 importconvertors in coquest.
    3. Can i connect unlimited modalities and workstation with conquest.
    4. I want prefetching on the basis of Study Description and only last two studies should be prefetched at a designated workstation. For example a CT Scan chest is performed. then last two CT Chest studies should be fetched if no CT Chest study is found then last two studies with study description Chest should be prefetched. I want this for every study that is retrieved from conquest.


    Thanks Marcel

    I update the lua script but it doesn't work. Conquest doesn't save the file on the require location.I am getting following error in conquest .

    [PACS] Rewritten file: E:\images\20121218\12295-(M_ZEESHAN)\COR_3_MM\010400fb.dcm
    [PACS] Importconverter-1.0: sets preferred storage to MAG1
    [PACS] Rewritten file: E:\images\20121218\12295-(M_ZEESHAN)\COR_3_MM\010400fc.dcm
    [PACS] Importconverter-1.0: sets preferred storage to MAG1
    [PACS] Rewritten file: E:\images\20121218\12295-(M_ZEESHAN)\COR_3_MM\010400fd.dcm

    Whereas my dicom.ini file says

    MAGDevices = 5
    MAGDevice0 = E:\images\
    MAGDevice1 = e:\QIH\
    MAGDevice2 = e:\ct\
    MAGDevice3 = e:\mr\
    MAGDevice4 = e:\mg\

    NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0
    NightlyMoveThreshhold = 0
    NightlyMoveTarget =

    ImportConverter0 = if Data.InstitutionName == 'dPJ' then Data.Storage='MAG1' end;

    Please guide me where i am committing the mistake.

    My other questions remained unanswered. Please answer them also .



    Objective: To Store patient images in separate locations on the basis of Institution Name

    I tried to use the old script that was provided in the forum to store images on the basis of Modality type. I used the same code with minor modification but i got error.

    ImportConverter0 = if Data.Institution Name=='Hospital Name A' then Data.Storage='MAG1' end;

    MAG1 is already defined at top. I also tried this

    ImportConverter0 = if Data.Institutio=='Hospital Name A' then Data.Storage='MAG1' end;

    But i got the error appended below:-

    [PACS] *** lua syntax error [string "if Data.Institution Name=='dPJ' then Data.Storage='MAG1' end;"]:1: 'then' expected near 'Name' in 'if Data.Institution Name=='dPJ' then Data.Storage='MAG1' end;'

    Please guide me where i am committing the mistake as the error says its a syntax error and i am beginner in LUA.

    Second Question is If my hospital name is like Hospital Name A (Spaces in Hospital Name) and i defined MAG like E:\Hospital Name A (in windows) will this work or give me error.

    Thirdly, i have 15 hospitals that will connect to this PACS Server and wanted to save images of them in their respected folders whereas conquest only support max 0 to 9 importconvertors how will i manage rest of hospitals.



    I am using seperate conquest as PACS Server for storage of Ultrasound and ECHO studies. Doctors used to send cine loops as well as still images of patient to conquest. All images and cine loops are saved in conquest without giving any error. When i try to retrieve any study that has only cine loops or mixed (both cine loops and still images), i can only view the first frame of cine loop as still images and same happens with rest of cine loops.

    The problem was identified yesterday when we try to view some cine loops of ECHO Study but instead still images are viewed. Please advise how to fix this issue.

    I has also asked Machine Service Engineers of both modalities to check the setting at there end but they said that the settings are all okie from there side and modalities are sending images in dicom format.



    Has anyone been able to get the Automatic Study Management on basis of time. I had define three MAGs in my dicom.ini. MAG0 is for current images and MAG1 for archival 1(short term) and MAG2 for archival 2 (long term).

    I want that whenever study is sent to PACS Server (Conquest) it is saved on MAG0 with no compression. Say after three months or x months it is compressed to jpeg or any and moved to MAG 1. And again after x months these images as get old moved to MAG 2 for long term archival again compression is applied on them.

    I had searched the manual but i found nightly backup and data mirror but no such thing. Will you please guide me how can i setup this.


    Hi Marcel

    Thanks for your prompt reply. I will look if CLEARCANVAS support WADO access or not.But in configuration under the ClearCanvas Image Streamning Option there are two options

    (1) Header Service Port
    (2) Image Service Port

    So far i know there are no such ports that are defined in conquest. If conquest do support then how can i define and configure them.

    Will you tell me the procudre how to configure ARCHIVE using dgate???



    I have been using CONQUEST PACS Server for very long time. I have searched the user manual as well as the forum but i unable to find a way to perform the appended below tasks.

    1. Image Streaming port in Conquest PACS Server just like in CLEAR CANVAS and EFILM. User don't download images on the local workstation but instead view images while
    streaming from server. I want to use this option with CLEARCANVAS Workstation.

    2. I want to define the Storage Tiers. That on Tier 1 there are studies that are say three (03) months old. And after specific period they move to Tier 2 or ARCHIVE. When to move to ARCHIVE they patient images folder should be in form of zip file and when they are called these studies must be available without making any changes by the PACS Admin.

    Please help me how to accomplish these two tasks as i am struck and we have to move to some COMMERCIAL SOLUTION if CONQUEST FAILS to provide these two options.

    -- Hammad