Posts by jjoerg


    the web-interface is calling an apache web-server on a xampp-plattform running smoothly on a windos7-instance, configured to call another instance (VoirtualServerFor0) of conquest on an older Server 2003 system (VISIONPACS).

    Kind regards



    i have a problem with the virtual server functionality via the web-interface. configuration line:

    VirtualServerFor0 = VISIONPACS

    The fowarding of queries works fine for requests submittel via the GUI (last tab) but does not work for requests via a web-server. I tried to brin the configuration line in both ini--Files (local server and web-Server cgi) but did not succeed. Dos anyone have an idea where to look at?

    Kind regards and thanks for the grat project!



    I tried the commands extensively, the following code runs successfully and moves 30 GB. I ran it several times.

    rem @echo off
    cd c:\pacs
    dgate -v -au
    dgate -v -as30000000,0 > c:\tmp\SelectData.log
    dgate -v -amMAG0.Archiving,MAG1 > c:\tmp\MoveData.log
    gate -v -au
    echo finished!

    The nightly move operation started working again, with no identifialble reason for me. After the first few runs of the code above no effect on the restart of nightly move operation was observable. No it was revitalized anyhow ...

    The nightly move option fails on missing data-files which are saved in the databased but not existent as a file. As far as I observed the maintenance.log names such a file and stops the "nightly move" process. The nightly move operation is not started again afterwards the next day. Trying to reanimate the process by removing the archival flags alone (dgate -v -au) did not to work consitently. I will observe the process ...

    Kind Regards


    when I try simple commans like

    dgate -v
    dgate.exe -v

    I receive an answer, but also "Failed to Listen () - bind error".

    Full answer:


    Monitoring for files in: D:\pacsdata\incoming\
    DGATE (1.4.19b, build ?, bits 32) is running as threaded server
    Database type: built-in SQLite driver
    ***Failed to Listen () - bind error

    Anything wrong with my test? I see the same error in the log file ...

    Kind regards



    I tried the commands with different amounts of GB during the past days with no effect. I rebooted the NAS and tried successfull a write operation on the drive. 800 GBs are free. No data was moved.
    Since no logging entries occured a few questions occured:

    • Does the command-line option trigger the running deamon?
    • Is it correct to perform command line optins whilst the server is running?
    • Is it possible to establish logging in the command line or do I perform the commands completely wrong?

    I have no experience with the command line option ...

    Kind regards



    since a couple of weeks I am facing problems with the nightly move option from local D: (MAG0) to a NAS-drive (MAG1).
    Sometimes it works sometimes not and since 3-4 weeks continuously no move happens. The log-file maintenance.log is not created, I cannot find hints in the other log-files up to now.

    I tried a kind of "maintenance" extracted from some topics here in the forum using the following command which helped sometimes:

    In the beginning I found sometimes a hint in the maintenance.log and deletion of the mentioned study/patient helped.
    At last I just tried an update (replacing .exe and .dll) to the 1.4.19b version with no effect. The system is running on an Windows Server 2003.

    Can you please give me a hint where to look at? What issues prevent conquest form starting the nightly move?

    Finally a I joyfully fulfill my "duty" to thank for for this great project!

    Kind regards and thanks in advance!


    Hi again,

    that was the decisive hint, implementing the user for running the service (although nobody else ever logged apart from this particular user), I can now download the data from the NAS via the server.

    Thank you for your help and for this great project!

    Kind regards



    the server is a service, I'm logged in (on Win Server 2003) as a Administrator.

    Running the interface with "run as" and the checkbox "run with restricted access" unchecked. the error persists.

    The main error: I am wondering about the message "GUI could not find file" since i try to receive the images via the web-server, thers is no connection to any GUI, isn't it?



    most probably as an effect of a firmware upgrade on our NAS (MAG1) I cannot access my data on the NAS any longer via the web interface. The "nightly move" operation from a local harddrive (MAG0) to this NAS (MAG1) runs as expected, but all studies which I want to access from MAG1 gives an error: "GUI could not find file". Does anyone have a hint where to search? Maybe the path on the share contains a space character, maybe there is a problem ...

    Thanks for your help in advance! Kind regards


    P.S.: I cannot see the images in the CONQUEST-Interface on windows either, version is 1.17d

    Hi Marcel,

    this was my first contact to lua. So I stick to the "quick and dirty" solution.

    As far as I understand: the strings I want to manipulate are mor or less information strings for the WADO request, the information displayed by the weasis viewers is picked from the dicom images retrieved. In my final solution the non alphanumeric characters are replaced by an "_". Modification marked as ascii-compliance insert

    weasisseries.xml after line 22:

    -- updated to pass compress mode, mvh 20140126print('Content-Type: application/xml\n')local patid = string.gsub(series2, ':.*$', '')local seriesuid = string.gsub(series2, '^.*:', '')local q = DicomObject:new()q.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'IMAGE'q.PatientID = patidq.SeriesInstanceUID = seriesuidq.SOPInstanceUID = ''q.PatientBirthDate = ''q.PatientName = ''q.StudyInstanceUID = ''q.StudyDescription = ''q.StudyDate = ''q.StudyTime = ''q.SeriesDescription = ''q.SeriesNumber = ''q.Modality = ''q.ImageNumber = ''r = dicomquery(servercommand('get_param:MyACRNema'), 'IMAGE', q)-- ascii compliance insert: remove non alphanumeric characters 06/2016 r[0].PatientName =r[0].PatientName:gsub('%W','_')r[0].StudyDescription =r[0].StudyDescription:gsub('%W','_')r[0].SeriesDescription = r[0].SeriesDescription:gsub('%W','_')-- end ascii compliance insert wt = ""if compress=='J3' or compress=='j3' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endif compress=='J4' or compress=='j4' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endif compress=='J5' or compress=='j5' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endif compress=='J1' or compress=='j1' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endif compress=='J2' or compress=='j2' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endif compress=='J1' or compress=='j1' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endif compress=='JK' or compress=='jk' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endif compress=='JL' or compress=='jl' then wt = ' WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008."' endlocal s = DicomObject:new()print([[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><wado_query xmlns= "" xmlns:xsi="" wadoURL="]]..webscriptadress..[[" requireOnlySOPInstanceUID="false" overrideDicomTagsList="0x00000000" > <Patient PatientID="]]..patid..[[" PatientName="]]..r[0].PatientName..[[" PatientBirthDate="]]..r[0].PatientBirthDate..[[" > <Study StudyInstanceUID="]]..r[0].StudyInstanceUID..[[" StudyDescription="]]..r[0].StudyDescription..[[" StudyDate="]]..r[0].StudyDate..[[" StudyTime="]]..r[0].StudyTime..[[" > <Series SeriesInstanceUID="]]..r[0].SeriesInstanceUID..[[" SeriesDescription="]]..r[0].SeriesDescription..[[" SeriesNumber="]]..r[0].SeriesNumber..[[" Modality="]]..r[0].Modality..[["]]..wt..[[ >]])for i=0, #r-1 do print([[<Instance SOPInstanceUID="]]..r[i].SOPInstanceUID..[[" InstanceNumber="]]..i..[[" />]])endprint([[ </Series> </Study> </Patient></wado_query>]])

    In weasisstudy.xml only patient name and study name can be treated at the same place, the series name has to be modified in the loop iterating through the different series.

    Kind regards


    Hi Marcel,

    thanks for your reply, your workaround doesn't work. The issue concerns all study-descriptions and patient names with umlauts.
    I try to follow this direction implementing in line 37
    r[0].StudyDescription = 'test'
    it runs fine.

    I try to follow further and implement a kind of stringreplacement in the weasisseriesxml, or do you have better ideas?

    Kind regards



    surely a german-speaking problem: studies containing an umlaut (ä,ö,ü) fail to load in the weasis viewer. weasis opens smoothly but i Recieve an error:
    error weasis:Error on loading the XML Manifest from ...
    When I change the study description on a 1.4.19beta instance from "MR Schädel" to "MR Schaedel" everything runs fine. Is there a solution or a workaround? "Conquest does not modify or interpret any field data", this will not work.

    A bit strange, with conquest 1.4.17d and Apache 2.2 On Windows Small Business Server 2008 it works, on Server 2003R2 not.
    Any ideas or hints?

    Kind regards an thanks in advance!



    asking for dicom.ini hinting to the solution, now issue solved for me:

    Setting ACRNemaMap and Dictionary in dicom.ini to an existing conquest-installation works fine now. I thought initially that the webserver run only from the cgi-bin and htdocs-folder.



    yes, the settings are fine, patient queries work, a query from the html-frontend with the serversideviewer runs fine and shows images...



    I am trying to get the conquest-webserver (1.4.17d, weasis-viewer) running on older Hardware. Patient query etc. works fine. The viewer-call using the jnlp-file fails

    The following request on a conquest-Webserver on machine 1) (Windows Small Business Server 2008, Apache 2.2) works fine and returns a list of files in an XML-format:…1374556573.664.3&dum=.xml

    The same on machine 2) ( Server 2003R2, Apache 2.2) fails, returns no xml content…1374556573.664.3&dum=.xml

    error weasis:
    Error on loading the XML Manifest from….1374556573.664.3&dum=.xm

    error-log java:
    03.06.2016 10:11:11.092 *INFO* [pool-2-thread-1]() org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager Downloading WADO references:
    ERROR: 'ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
    Message: Premature end of file.'

    Any hints where to search?

    Kind regards


    P.S.: As far as i see the request does not reach the conquest-DICOM-Server ( itself, since no logging activity is visible.


    similar to me, I can duplicate your dwv integration with an older code of dwv 0.3. I am a litlle bit confused about the versions you can download at github. The versions ivmartel-dwv-v0.3-97-g34f266b and dwv-master do not work, version dwv-0.3 works with your lua file.
