Posts by johnnydicom

    Here's the command I'm running in a batch for loop:

    dgate64.exe -v --movestudy:AETITLE1,AETITLE2,"!Line[%%i]!" --debuglog_on:"debug.log" --debuglevel:4

    When I was running it on its own I would see 0 and 1 as an output, when I threw it in the for loop now the only output I see is "Move failed from AETITLE1" and nothing else. I suppose I could try and add in something to look for that message and retry?

    Also the -v and debuglog stuff doesn't seem to output to the screen - not sure what I'm missing there.

    dgate.exe --movestudy:SOURCEAE,DESTINATIONAE,1.2.etc

    It doesn't won't pull anything, then when I query by the study UID in the GUI it pulls thousands of cases at the patient level and only 1 at the studyroot level - I'm not sure if I have the syntax wrong in the command or something

    If I have a txt file with a list of SUID's in it - can conquest Q/R based on that list and bring the studies over? I know in the GUI you can put in PID or Acc# separated by a comma and do some bulk Q/R stuff, but I don't see an option for SUID.