Posts by sleonard50

    Thank you.

    Do you feel lua is a better, more efficient method than using server commands as the following?

    ImportConverter0 = ifnotequal "%u", "VNA_QR"; call C:\ConquestNC\Foward2All.cq

    Forward2All.cq =

    forward to Syn0a30wv;

    forward to 4DMREVIEW_3;

    forward to SYMBIANETA;

    forward to 4DM_PREM00;

    forward to 4DM_PREM01;

    forward to TURBONMR1;

    ifequal "%V0008,103e", "4DM-Images+Maps"; forward to RADPACS;

    ifequal "%V0008,103e", "4DM-Images"; forward to RADPACS;

    ifequal "%V0008,103e", "4DMSPECT SaveScreens"; forward to RADPACS;

    ifequal "%V0008,103e", "4DM-MIProcessing"; forward to RADPACS;

    ifequal "%V0008,103e", "4DM-NMViewer"; forward to RADPACS;

    ifequal "%V0008,103e", "4DM-3D+Images"; forward to RADPACS;

    There are other export converters in my dicom.ini :

    ExportConverters = 10

    ExportConverter0 = ifmatch "%V0008,1030","*Prone*"; forward to TURBONCPR1

    ExportConverter1 = ifmatch "%V0008,103e","AC*"; forward to TURBONCPR1

    Am I better off putting these in the Forward2All.cq file?



    Hello All,

    I have an import converter (v1.4.19c):

    ImportConverter0 = ifnotequal "%u", "SERVER0"; C:\dicomserver\lua\SCfilter.lua

    SCfilter.lua =

    script('forward to REVIEW_3; forward to NETA; forward to PREM01; forward to PREM00; forward to NMR1');

    if (Data.SeriesDescription == "Images+Maps") or
    (Data.SeriesDescription == "Images") or
    (Data.SeriesDescription == "SaveScreens") or
    (Data.SeriesDescription == "MIProcessing") or
    (Data.SeriesDescription == "4DM-NMViewer") then
    script('forward to PACS')
    print("Did not match to send.")

    The first 'script' call works.

    The second 'script' call does not successfully forward even though logging shows "ImportConverter19.0: forwarded object to PACS"

    Should that have worked?



    I though I could figure this out, but to no avail...

    When utilizing the "Modify -> this Series (advanced)", what is the command/format passed to dgate?

    I was attempting the following to programmaticly anonymize an exam (without the additional Lua script additional modifications). Lua script finds the exam, but does not appear to run 'anonymize_script.lua'.


    a = newdicomobject()



    local threadno_forprogressinfo=123

    local copy=1

    newdicommodify(a, 'anonymize_script.lua', threadno_forprogressinfo, copy);


    [AIA_LAB] Server command sent using DGATE -- option

    [AIA_LAB] Importconverter-1.0 executes: set PatientID to "0123456789"

    [AIA_LAB] Importconverter-1.0 executes: set StudyInstanceUID to "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.737371.41451203.7.1577747799.500.2"

    [AIA_LAB] Query On Image

    [AIA_LAB] Issue Query on Columns: DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta

    [AIA_LAB] Values: DICOMStudies.PatientID = '0123456789' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.737371.41451203.7.1577747799.500.2' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst

    [AIA_LAB] Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies

    [AIA_LAB] Query Distinct Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies

    [AIA_LAB] Columns : DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta

    [AIA_LAB] Where : DICOMStudies.PatientID = '0123456789' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.737371.41451203.7.1577747799.500.2' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst

    [AIA_LAB] Order : (null)

    [AIA_LAB] Records = 1

    [AIA_LAB] Link.Connected false in PDU:Read

    [AIA_LAB] Connected by address: 0100007f

    What am I missing?



    If I use ImportConverter0 = storage MAG1, is MAGDeviceFullThreshold completely ignored? And if so, will MAG1 simply fill until full and error out when new images sent after it's full?


    P.S. Conquest is such a great tool. Thank you for all your hard work.

    How does Conquest handle a change of the MAGDeviceFullThreshold - in this case making smaller? Does it re-evaluate all of the MAGDevices for size and free space or once a threshold its reached it moves onto the next MAGDevice and never looks back?

    My scenario:

    I start with MAGDevice0 - a 4TB volume. I set MAGDeviceFullThreshold = 400,000 so that 10% is reserved for optimization/fragmentation.

    MAGDevice0 fills to 400GB free space and moves onto storing exams/images on MAGDevice1

    MAGDevice1 is a 2TB volume. If I only want to 'loose' 10% to optimization/fragmentation of this volume, I would change MAGDeviceFullThreshold = 200,000. But will Conquest re-evaluate free space on MAGDevice0, find another 200GB of space below the original 400GB threshold and store new data back on MAG0?

