Web server

  • Thanks for your suggestion, Jweste, really apreciated.

    But I guess that involves messing with OHIF code, skills that unfortunately are out of my knowledge...

    As far as I can go now by now is to change the basic config, sorry.

    servers: {

    dicomWeb: [


    name: 'ConquestDicomWeb',

    wadoUriRoot: 'http://localhost:3002/api/dicom/wadouri',

    qidoRoot: 'http://localhost:3002/api/dicom/rs',

    wadoRoot: 'http://localhost:3002/api/dicom/wadouri',

    qidoSupportsIncludeField: false,

    imageRendering: 'wadouri',

    thumbnailRendering: 'wadouri',

    enableStudyLazyLoad: false,

    supportsFuzzyMatching: false,



  • This is a correct response using postman:

  • You need check on browse dev network console what is sent to api server.

    You can see in api server console, what request it´s receiving.

    Then, you can adjust OHIF.

    I am not familiar with ohif settings, but regarding the API:

    name: 'ConquestDicomWeb',

    wadoUriRoot: 'http://localhost:3002/api/dicom/wadouri',

    qidoRoot: 'http://localhost:3002/api/dicom/rs',

    wadoRoot: 'http://localhost:3002/api/dicom/wadouri', --> not supported in API

    qidoSupportsIncludeField: false, -->if you are using includefield , it should be true

    imageRendering: 'wadouri',

    thumbnailRendering: 'wadouri',

    enableStudyLazyLoad: false, ->not supported in API

    supportsFuzzyMatching: false, ->not supported in API

  • Ok, thanks for looking into it. I am more on the diagnostic side, but always curious about dicom networking.

    I adjusted the settings accordingly as possible, still geting the same result.

    Will try to find some time to read about ohif and how it could be integrated with your API.

    Thanks again.

  • In your comment you say:

    "GET /api/dicom/rs/studies?PatientName=maria&limit=25&offset=0&fuzzymatching=false&includefield=all&StudyDate=20220715-20220815"

    are you sure this is sent to port 3002?


  • Hi,

    Don't use fuzzy in query Params. You get a empty result if you do it

    Ok.. I checked with weasis, listening on port 3002, powershell console shows

    App listening on port 3002!

    [16/Aug/2022:06:47:23 GMT-0300] "GET /api/dicom/rs/studies?00080020=20220816-20220816&includefield=00080020,00080030,00080050,00080061,00080090,00081030,00100010,00100020,00100021,00100030,00100040,0020000D,00200010&limit=10&offset=0" 204 - - 659.987 ms

    But I get no results in the viewer as well.

  • What conquest pacs logs are showing?

    Qido response can be in json or xml format.

    Conquest API only supports json format for now.

    Does Weasis support json format?

  • And the dgate64.exe in the server must be that current version on GiHub, not the release one.

    I downloaded the whole github version to try..

    This is from weasis log:

    16.08.2022 08:19:29.692 *DEBUG* [QIDO-RS] org.weasis.dicom.qr.RsQuery: QIDO-RS request: http://localhost:3002/api/dico…0200010&limit=10&offset=0

    Then this is from powershell console (API)

    [16/Aug/2022:08:19:29 GMT-0300] "GET /api/dicom/rs/studies?00100010=maria&00080020=20220809-20220816&includefield=00080020,00080030,00080050,00080061,00080090,00081030,00100010,00100020,00100021,00100030,00100040,0020000D,00200010&limit=10&offset=0" 204 - - 22.087 ms

    And this is from conquest server status:

    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 33: STARTED AT: Tue Aug 16 08:19:29 2022

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 32768

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    [CONQUESTSRV1] (StudyRootQuery) search level: STUDY

    [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Find (StudyRoot) located 0 records

    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 33: ENDED AT: Tue Aug 16 08:19:29 2022


  • Actually in the web interface from Luiz, I only get results if I query MARIA* :

    [16/Aug/2022:08:47:02 GMT-0300] "GET /api/dicom/rs/studies?PatientName=MARIA%2A&StudyDate=20220802-20220816" 304 - - 29.295 ms

    If I query "MARIA" , no wildcard, I get no results:

    [16/Aug/2022:08:47:54 GMT-0300] "GET /api/dicom/rs/studies?PatientName=MARIA&StudyDate=20220802-20220816" 204 - - 25.336 ms

    I couldnt get any results in weasis even with caps lock and wildcard, though:

    [16/Aug/2022:08:48:54 GMT-0300] "GET /api/dicom/rs/studies?00100010=MARIA*&00080020=20220716-20220816&includefield=00080020,00080030,00080050,00080061,00080090,00081030,00100010,00100020,00100021,00100030,00100040,0020000D,00200010&limit=10&offset=0" 200 831 - 32.909 ms

  • Marcel,

    The api is returning json response as res.send({data:json})

    And OHIF needs res.send(json) and I already fixed it

    Other problem is OHIF call studies metadata API, after the study query.

    We don't have it implemented

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