Scripted Upgrade from 1.4.17d to 1.5.0b, Server Service Installation Issue

  • I am in the process of scripting an upgrade procedure in powershell to take my box from 1.4.17d conquest up to 1.5.0b. I have gotten everything working except for one piece. That being the service installation. I have tried to complete the service installation running this command,

    New-Service -Name $hostname -BinaryPathName 'D:\dicomserverSQLDB\dgateserv.exe /process dgate64.exe -^serverstatus.log' -Description "Conquest Server Service"

    That does create the service, and it starts, but then conquest will launch and say the service is there but not running. If i hit the button in the gui to reinstall the service, all is well. Of course, not ideal for automating if i still need to manually hit a button. So i am hoping someone can tell me where my issue is, or perhaps what to try to get this to work.

  • pandemic326

    Changed the title of the thread from “Scripted Upgrade from 1.4.17d to 1.5.0b, Server Installation Issue” to “Scripted Upgrade from 1.4.17d to 1.5.0b, Server Service Installation Issue”.
  • Hi,

    this is the GUI's code to install:

    RunProgramBlocking(curdir + '\dgateserv.exe', curdir,

    ['/service', trim(ServerName.text),


    '"' + CurDir + '\dgateserv.exe /process '+dgateExe+' -^serverstatus.log"',


    I think the key thing you miss is to name the service as the servers AE.


  • Just wanted to post an update that i got this resolved. For others that might be looking to do something similar, there were 2 things I did that seemed to magically fix my issue.

    The first was I installed the service without any other config changes, then copied those files found the dicom installation directory over to be my complete source package. I am assuming there is some other tweak/dependency file that must be created in the directory after going through the "gui" install, but totally speculation. Just had to do it to get things to work.

    Second, I went ahead and adjusted my script to cast the hostname to all caps. I wasn't doing that so my service was being installed as t0test rather than T0TEST. Not sure if that matters, but again, in combo with change number 1, things are working now.

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