Using OHIF with Conquest

  • Hi, I know one question about it was posted long time ago.

    I am trying use OHIF with Conquest.

    I installed Conquest with your default setup.

    I am not runing a webserver to dgate cgi.

    But I have a nodejs server with a html page to serve my html page.

    From OHIF docs, I see this sandbox:

    and here is doc about config:…ipes/embedded-viewer.html and…rs/both/schema/servers.js

    To Orthanc I see that…/config/orthancDIMSE.json

    But I don´t know how to use withj Conquest.

    So, I created a local html page and I cloned the code from that sandbox.

    I created a html page and I changed the config from orginal codesandbox to the next.

    But it´s not working. The Conquest is never called.

    What do I need to fix it?

  • Thanks, Jweste

    I had downloaded the dicomweb proxy and OHIF Viewer. I had also installed and configured Node.js.

    But the webiste says "Comes with preinstalled OHIF DICOM Web Viewer (version 4.8.6).". If this is true I only need dicmweb proxy no need to download OHIF Viewer separately, please comments.

    If possible can you share the steps for setup and configuration as i am not an IT personnel.



  • I just used the default install with OHIF 4.8.6.

    I read on dicomweb proxy questions that is possible you build OHIF and used it instead of the default.

    But, I didn´t.

    You just need follow the instructions from site and setup the AET's in default.js file located in the config folder


  • One last thing. Firstly, the images we viewed are saved in the cache of the client PC or we have to manually those studies (please share the location). And secondly, can i open study directly in viewer by providing StudyID like this


    If you understand node.js and looking into dicomweb proxy code, you can see that the images retrieved are into .\data folder.

    But, you´d better asking these questions in github dicomweb proxy forum.


  • Hi

    On Test Server with limited studies the OHIF Viewer (using dicomweb proxy) shows Studies list but when i moved to Production server with 75TB of data. It sows no studies and following error on server

    [HPACS] UPACS THREAD 20: STARTED AT: Wed Jul 28 17:41:10 2021

    [HPACS] Calling Application Title : "DICOMWEB_PROXY "

    [HPACS] Called Application Title : "HPACS "

    [HPACS] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384

    [HPACS] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    [HPACS] ***(Exp) Encountered an invalid group order during load of DCM file (after 00081190)

    [HPACS] ***Client Error: command 0020 failed **

    [HPACS] ***Connection Terminated

    Instead of loading whole data can i ask the user to query server for required data or load today's studies only.

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