Issues after Conquest for Windows move.

  • Hello Conquest gurus !

    I have inherited support for an existing Windows 2008 installation of Conquest v1.4.19beta3 that is working correct as far as we know.

    I am trying to move it to a new virtual server running Server 2019 and am running into a couple of issues that I'm hoping someone can help me with.


    Windows 2008

    Conquest v1.4.19beta3

    MySQL 5.7

    Using K-PACS for client

    Approximately 18tb images across 2 storage locations.

    1tb on local storage MAG0 (d:\conquest\X-RAY)

    17tb in archive on NAS MAG1 (\\\ConquestArchive).


    Windows 2019

    Conquest v1.4.19c

    MySQL 8.0

    using K-PACs for client


    1) Install and configure Conquest and MySQL per above.

    2) Copy all images from SVR1\d:\Conquest\X-RAY to SVR2\d:\conquest\X-RAY

    (notice that path relative to conquest is the same)
    Will be leaving the "archive" images on NAS in their current location, but viewable from SVR2.

    3) Have Conquest Create new database on SVR2.

    4) Dump Conquest SQL database from SVR1 and Import to SVR2.


    1) K-PACS can see all patients, studies, images on SVR2 as far as I can tell.


    1) Sending images to Conquest fails with:

    [SVR2] Calling Application Title : "DRCARESTREAM "

    [SVR2] Called Application Title : "DRCARESTREAM "

    [SVR2] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 131072

    [SVR2] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    [SVR2] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = n4 (strip=1)

    [SVR2] ***Error saving to SQL: H \1.2.840.113564.19216816104.2020010716332665639_0001_000001_15784369910013.v2

    [SVR2] UPACS THREAD 1517: ENDED AT: Tue Jan 07 16:43:11 2020



    - Same error if transferring images from the SVR1 or from the XRAY machine.

    - I have re-initialized the database and re-dumped/imported with the same results.

    2) When using the Conquest Control Panel on SVR2 to "browse database":

    A) I see the studies listed, but no "series" and no images show.

    "No image found".

    B) I can view the patient/study/image from K-PACS on the same server.

    C) I can "show image in explorer" in BrowseDatabase and see the image file on SVR2.

    D) I can use Browse Database on SVR1 and it displays the studies/images fine.

    SUMMARY: Image is there and works in K-PACS, but can't view it in "Browse Database" in conquest.

    3) All images located on the NAS (MAG1) \\\conquestarchive display a blank image in K-PACS.

    A) We do NOT receive "image not found", but the images are all blank (black).

    B) I can "Show image in explorer" and it pulls up the image file.

    C) This is only affecting the archive location (MAG1) that conquest relocates data to when the MAG0 reaches it's free disk space limit.

    I am very new to Conquest and DICOMM imaging and really could use some help and direction on getting this done.
    We are still live on the SVR1, so I have the ability to so anything needed on SVR2 to resolve this issue.

    Thank you for any help you can provide !

    Cameron Deal

  • Hi,

    The SQL error is likely due to the use of 'Rows' and 'Columns' as field names - which is no longer allowed in newer SQL servers. You will have to change those in dicom.sql and the database. I typically use Qrows and Qcolumns.

    The MAG1 location may give problems if you run as a service, set the service user to somebody that has access to the NAS.

    The browser may fail if there in no dbase folder in the MAG0 data.



  • Marcel-

    Thanks for the quick reply and the info.

    I did previously adjust Rows and Columns in the dicom.sql file as I found that info in one of the forum posts, but maybe I did not do it correctly.

    I've attached my dicom.sql file. Can you confirm I've adjusted correctly ?
    If so, do you have any other ideas on what could be causing this or how I can troubleshoot further ?
    Is there anywhere else that I need to adjust the Rows and Columns besides the dicom.sql ?

    Regarding MAG1, I have setup a user that has access to the NAS that is used for the service, so I don't expect this to be an issue.

    Thanks again for your help !


  • That resolved my 1st 2 issues listed. Thank you !

    Any ideas on how to troubleshoot issue #3 listed above ?

    3) All images located on the NAS (MAG1) \\\conquestarchive display a blank image in K-PACS.

    A) We do NOT receive "image not found", but the images are all blank (black).

    B) I can "Show image in explorer" and it pulls up the image file, but it's blank.

    C) This is only affecting the archive location (MAG1) that conquest relocates data to when the MAG0 reaches it's free disk space limit.

  • Note sure, what do you mean with this:

    I can "Show image in explorer" and it pulls up the image file, but it's blank.

    What do you mean with a blamnk image in explorer....

    Are you sure you have sufficient permissions to read from the NAS?


  • Hi, marcel

    I am having similar issues

    I have the server with MAG0 and MAG1; and with nightly move to MAG1 working.

    The images are transferring at night and getting deleted from MAG0 properly.

    However these images are not seen in the KPACS client or the inbuilt web viewer.


    # This file contains configuration information for the DICOM server

    # Do not edit unless you know what you are doing


    MicroPACS = sscscp

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#


    TCPPort = 5678

    # Host, database, username and password for database

    SQLHost = localhost

    SQLServer = conquest

    Username = root

    Password =

    MySql = 1

    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1

    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    # Configure server

    ImportExportDragAndDrop = 1

    KeepAlive = 60

    ZipTime = 05:

    UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.737224.68193886

    EnableComputedFields = 1

    FileNameSyntax = 4

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

    DroppedFileCompression = un

    IncomingCompression = un

    ArchiveCompression = as

    # For debug information


    OperatorConsole =

    DebugLevel = 0

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images

    MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30

    MAGDevices = 2

    MAGDevice0 = c:\dicomserver\data\

    MAGDevice1 = x:\

    NightlyMoveThreshhold = 4000000

    NightlyMoveTarget = MAG1

    Please see the screenshots for patient ID 109111900514944,

    the first screenshot if of the NAS storage and the second screenshot is of the webviewer with blank space.

    Please help

  • Hi every one, first that one sorry by my languaje, english is no my main, i have a similar problem that user subbumd with the show image process afther a move task.

    Im testing with conquest 1.5.0b and mysql 5.7 with ODBC variable, work fine,

    i have 2 Mag devices :

    MAG0 = z:\Dicom-Storage\ on a share resources on network machine device and MAG1 = x:\storage-server\ on another networkdevice.

    afther copy the data files was copied now on mag1 sastisfatly.

    By curious i open the database with a client and i can see that de database know that the studies are located now on mga1 and no the original storage. the evidence on capture in the end.

    The user on server machine is the same user that be on networkmachine and the same password, no session conflicts are detected because im no executing conquest as windows services. but on my server and desktop client the error is the same, image file not found.

    help me please.

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