Modality Worklist TAG 0010 21DO

  • Hello,

    I am trying to pass last menstrual date to GE U/S. Although I can see in the query log and DB is fulfilled, date is not appeared at the modality. I've added tag 0010 21d0 into dicom.sql and regenerate the db.

    Config and logs below.

    What could be problem. Why Conquest says not found in DB. Other query parameters are fine even StudyUID comes from DB.


    Haluk ||



    { 0x0008, 0x0050, "AccessionNumber", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.3" },

    { 0x0010, 0x0020, "PatientID", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "PID.4" },

    { 0x0010, 0x0010, "PatientName", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "PID.5" },

    { 0x0010, 0x0030, "PatientBirthDate", 8, SQL_C_DATE, DT_DATE, "PID.7" },

    { 0x0010, 0x0040, "PatientSex", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "PID.8" },

    { 0x0010, 0x2000, "MedicalAlerts", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0010, 0x2110, "ContrastAllergies", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0020, 0x000d, "StudyInstanceUID", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_UI, "---" },

    { 0x0032, 0x1032, "ReqPhysician", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.16" },

    { 0x0032, 0x1060, "ReqProcDescription", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.4.1" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0100, "--------", 0, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STARTSEQUENCE, "---" },

    { 0x0008, 0x0060, "Modality", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.21" },

    { 0x0010, 0x21d0, "LastMenstrualDate", 8, SQL_C_DATE, DT_DATE, "---" },

    { 0x0032, 0x1070, "ReqContrastAgent", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0001, "ScheduledAE", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0002, "StartDate", 8, SQL_C_DATE, DT_DATE, "OBR.7.DATE" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0003, "StartTime", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_TIME, "OBR.7.TIME" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0006, "PerfPhysician", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0007, "SchedPSDescription", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0009, "SchedPSID", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.4" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0010, "SchedStationName", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.24" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0011, "SchedPSLocation", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0012, "PreMedication", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0400, "SchedPSComments", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x0100, "---------", 0, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_ENDSEQUENCE, "---" },

    { 0x0040, 0x1001, "ReqProcID", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.4.0" },

    { 0x0040, 0x1003, "ReqProcPriority", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "OBR.27" }

    1/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0008,0005 10 CS SpecificCharacterSet "ISO_IR 100"

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0008,0050 0 SH AccessionNumber (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0008,0090 0 PN ReferringPhysicianNa (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0008,0094 0 SH ReferringPhysicianTe (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0008,1110 0 SQ ReferencedStudySeque Sequence Item

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,1150 0 UI ReferencedSOPClassUI (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,1155 0 UI ReferencedSOPInstanc (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0008,1120 0 SQ ReferencedPatientSeq Sequence Item

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,1150 0 UI ReferencedSOPClassUI (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,1155 0 UI ReferencedSOPInstanc (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,0010 2 PN PatientName "* "

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,0020 0 LO PatientID (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,0021 0 LO IssuerOfPatientID (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,0030 0 DA PatientBirthDate (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,0040 0 CS PatientSex (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,1020 0 DS PatientSize (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:41 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,1030 0 DS PatientWeight (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,2154 0 SH PatientTelephoneNumb (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0010,21d0 0 DA LastMenstrualDate (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0020,000d 0 UI StudyInstanceUID (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0032,1032 0 PN RequestingPhysician (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0032,1060 0 LO RequestedProcedureDe (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0032,1064 0 SQ RequestedProcedureCo Sequence Item

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,0100 0 SH CodeValue (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,0102 0 SH CodingSchemeDesignat (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,0104 0 LO CodeMeaning (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0038,0010 0 LO AdmissionID (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0040,0100 0 SQ ScheduledProcedureSt Sequence Item

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0008,0060 0 CS Modality (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0040,0001 0 AE ScheduledStationAETi (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0040,0002 18 DA ScheduledProcedureSt "20191121-20191121 "

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0040,0003 0 TM ScheduledProcedureSt (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0040,0006 0 PN ScheduledPerformingP (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0040,0007 0 LO ScheduledProcedureSt (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0040,0008 0 SQ ScheduledProtocolCod Sequence Item

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] >0040,0009 0 SH ScheduledProcedureSt (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0040,1001 0 SH RequestedProcedureID (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] 0040,1002 0 LO ReasonForTheRequeste (empty)

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Query On Modality WorkList

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 0005 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 0090 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 0094 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 1150 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 1155 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 1150 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 1155 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0010 0021 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0010 1020 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0010 1030 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0010 2154 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0010 21d0 is not in the database

    11/21/2019 9:51:42 AM [BB4DWL] Queried item 0008 0100 is not in the database


  • I can't see Last Mensural Date here;

    11/21/2019 3:16:17 PM [BB4DWL] Issue Query on Columns: DICOMWorkList.AccessionN, DICOMWorkList.PatientNam, DICOMWorkList.PatientID, DICOMWorkList.PatientBir, DICOMWorkList.PatientSex, DICOMWorkList.StudyInsta, DICOMWorkList.ReqPhysici, DICOMWorkList.ReqProcDes, DICOMWorkList.Modality, DICOMWorkList.ScheduledA, DICOMWorkList.StartDate, DICOMWorkList.StartTime, DICOMWorkList.PerfPhysic, DICOMWorkList.SchedPSDes, DICOMWorkList.SchedPSID, DICOMWorkList.ReqProcID

    11/21/2019 3:16:17 PM [BB4DWL] Values: DICOMWorkList.PatientNam LIKE E'%' and DICOMWorkList.StartDate >= E'20191121' and DICOMWorkList.StartDate <= E'20191121'

    11/21/2019 3:16:17 PM [BB4DWL] Tables: DICOMWorkList

    Could be the reason? Modality is not requesting anyhow?

  • now, I've found the problem. First modality needs to sent request for 0010,21D0 than there is a problem at Conquest side it creates db column with a wrong name. this needs to be corrected. lastmenstr created but it queries with lastmendat.

    0191121 15:10:27 *** ERROR: column dicomworklist.lastmendat does not exist

    LINE 1: ...COMWorkList.PatientBir, DICOMWorkList.PatientSex, DICOMWorkL...

    it works perfectly. Thank u Marcel once more...

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