Update 1.4.19d1 released

  • I have a server for aeskulap users with different AE titles. They connect to the conqest dicom server. This server has connection with other conquest servers. In this case the AE titles are set in all conquest servers.

    I’d like to communicate with dicom server, provided by third party. I have only one AE title from there. How can I query from third party with this single AE title when I have multiple users connected to my dicom server at the same time.

    Like my dicom server should act as ”dicom proxy”.

    Can it be done, is it possible?

    (I’m using Aeskulap as dicom viewer.)

  • In the linuxmanual.pdf I can't find anything. In the windowsmanual.pdf find this:
    "Queries and move requests sent to the local server are forwarded to the given AE titles in

    VirtualServerFor0..9. The AE titles must be known in ACRNEMMAPA."

    I have only one AE title in the third server, and I have multiple users in the viewers with their own AE titles on my server.

  • Yes,

    you connect to conquest as usual with as many clients you want, and if VirtualServerFor0 is set to the AE your PACS, all clients will see merged data from conquest and the PACS.


  • Hi Marcel,

    could you have a look at this and give me an advice please?

    I'm working on this lua-routing ruleset but can't finish because the last

    line with forwarding command doesn't work.

    I'm new to lua ...


    Studies are received and

    - after a look at Data.InstitutionName / Data.InstitutionAddress

    - id is set

    - PatID and Accessionnumber are modified

    - Study is stored local with changes

    - Study should be forwarded with changes to special destination AET

    (all AETs are configured and working)

    Everything works so far - only the forwarding command at the end isn't executed.

    Conquest 1.4.19d1 with SQLserver on Server2016 as app

    Thanks for your help


  • Hi,

    thanks. It seems to run - but there's an error at the end.

    Pictures are reaching their destination.

    The last two are both at their destination ...

    Shold i be worried abaut that ?

    In this way this is a series forwarding. How will i get it as complete study forwarder ? Any Idea ?



  • Hi,

    DICOM tags may be nil when not defined. Use e.g. Data.tag or "" to replace nil by "".

    try "forward study to AE", again. It does have a 10 minute delay. Fore testing you can use "forward study after 10 to AE" to make the delay 10s.


  • Hi,

    I try to connect to third party dicom server. The problem with the weasis viever that all the studies are separated by "/". The third party dicom server can't receive the request in this format. The request was forwarded by my conquest server.

    If I use aeskulap viewer , the third server can't see the c-move, but in the conquest server log I find that.

    If I replace the third server with conquest, then the communication was good in the both case.
    I guess the problem is the third party server, but we have to use that.

    Can you give us any advice? Like can we separate the merged study into multiple requests?

  • To help me solve the problem, can you write out in a bit more detail what happens?

    Or try this:

    VirtualServerFor = AE,CACHESERIES


    VirtualServerFor = AE,CACHESTUDIES

    that might split queries, but maybe not in the right way.


  • I have tried both configuration you suggested, there are the results:

    In case of "VirtualServerFor0 = divas,CACHESERIES":

    Weasis caches the selected series when I click on "Import" or "Import and Close" in the search/import dialog, but doesn’t opens them immediately. The images get loaded only if I click Import again, which is probably happens from cache by then. I guess its a Weasis related problem, but would be nice if i can get the pictures opened in the first try.

    Here are the dgate logs (cacheseries with weasis): https://pastebin.com/2Qa94ZXB

    Aeskulap (0.2.2 b1) pops a dialog as "Unable to receive the requested iamges"

    logs (cacheseries with aeskulap): https://pastebin.com/jSuWrXjD

    ECHO test successful, yet the log says "Host 'teszt19d' did not accept the connection" when i try to load the image series.

    In case of "VirtualServerFor0 = divas,CACHESTUDIES":

    Weasis pops a dialog, saying "[C-MOVE] DICOM status: 49156DICOM C-MOVE connected in 20ms from weasis to databsi. Sent Files in 1,246ms." (screenshot attached) But nothing gets cached in the data folder. Images are not loaded in the viewer either.

    Here are the dgate logs (cachestudies with weasis): https://pastebin.com/BHRrJQbv

    Aeskulap does the same as with cacheseries.

    Logs (cachestudies with aeskulap): https://pastebin.com/Zb0cyben

    In both case with aeskulap dgate logs that „Host 'teszt19d' did not accept the connection”, but the arcnema.map and AE Title in dcom.ini and aeskulap config are correct (as i mentioned before ECHO tests are good), and there are no network restriction between the hosts.

  • Hi,


    # This file contains configuration information for the DICOM server

    # Example Linux version using MySQL

    # Copy this file to dicom.ini to use it

    # 20160425: Simplified for 1.4.19beta


    MicroPACS = sscscp

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#

    MyACRNema = databsi

    TCPPort = 5503

    # Host for postgres or mysql only, name, username and password for database

    SQLHost = localhost

    SQLServer = conquest

    Username = conquest

    Password = conquest1234

    PostGres = 0

    MySQL = 1

    SQLite = 0

    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1

    # Configure server

    ImportExportDragAndDrop = 1

    ZipTime = 05:

    UIDPrefix = 99999.99999

    EnableComputedFields = 1

    FileNameSyntax = 8

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

    DroppedFileCompression = as

    IncomingCompression = as

    ArchiveCompression = as

    # For debug information


    OperatorConsole =

    DebugLevel = 3

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images

    MAGDeviceFullThreshold = 30

    MAGDevices = 1

    MAGDevice0 = /mnt/dicom/

    #második import gombra vagy keresésre betölti

    #VirtualServerFor0 = divas,CACHESERIES

    #csak feldob egy ablakot

    #VirtualServerFor0 = divas,CACHESTUDIES

    VirtualServerFor0 = divas

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