query and retrieve with efilm

  • I don t know if its a bug, but using the query and retrieve function to efilm, I can see the patient in the list, but the viewing screen remains black.
    With dicomconquest it worls fine.
    sending images to efilm and from eflm to k-pacs works.

  • whatever the prob may be, I installed k-pacs at home and tested in my network with efilm 1.9 and conquest, and there it runs.
    I ll test it with efilm2.0 and then I post my results.

  • Now, I reinstalled the prog ( last version) in my office on different computers. I can see the patient in the list , when quering efim and the pacs, but I can t open the images. And I don t why.
    on the other hand, it works, when k-pacs is installed on the same pc as the pacs.
    efim is running wothout any probs, so I don t believe in a networkprob.
    the pcs are running with windows xp ans w2k. any suggestions?
    As I told you, at home it is runningwell.

  • one prob when installing k-pacs on different pcs was, that I didn t change the ae title of each k-pacs installation. After doin that, I can now copy studies from conquest to k-pacs. But I can t recieve images from conquest on remote computers.
    Scanning the port with DPING, there is no dicom connection. What can be the prob here?

  • As you found out, AETs are supposed to be unique, because move requests only transmit the target AE title and not IP and PORT. So the server must know the IP and PORT of the target by itself.
    If you have - for instance - two K-PACS installations on computer1 (IP 172.....1) and computer2 (IP 172......2) you should give the K-PACS servers different AETs like KPSERVER1 and KPSERVER2. Port numbers can be the same (e.g. 111). You have to state both servers in the "known dicom provider" listing at the Conquest user interface and restart the server.
    As you are able to query the Conquest server from K-PACS you stated the servers specs correctly. The problem must therefor lie on the Conquest side. Conquest logs all dicom communication. Open the serverstatus.log file:

    A successful query looks like this:
    11.03.2005 21:56:44 [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 16: STARTED AT: Fri Mar 11 21:56:44 2005
    11.03.2005 21:56:44 [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "KPacsQR "
    11.03.2005 21:56:44 [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    11.03.2005 21:56:44 [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008."
    11.03.2005 21:56:44 [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008."
    11.03.2005 21:56:44 [CONQUESTSRV1] (StudyRootQuery) search level: STUDY
    11.03.2005 21:56:44 [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Find (StudyRoot)
    11.03.2005 21:56:45 [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 16: ENDED AT: Fri Mar 11 21:56:45 2005

    A successful move (retrieve) like this:

    11.03.2005 21:57:09 [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 18: STARTED AT: Fri Mar 11 21:57:09 2005
    11.03.2005 21:57:09 [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "KPacsMove "
    11.03.2005 21:57:10 [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    11.03.2005 21:57:10 [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008."
    11.03.2005 21:57:10 [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008."
    11.03.2005 21:57:10 [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008."
    11.03.2005 21:57:10 [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Move Destination: "KPServer"
    11.03.2005 21:57:10 [CONQUESTSRV1] Number of Images to send: 62
    11.03.2005 21:57:10 [CONQUESTSRV1] Sending file : ............

    If you find a statement like this
    Host 'AE-Title' did not accept the connection
    it most of the time means, that the given IP or PORT which are stated in the "known dicom providers" listings are wrong.

    Hope I could help.


    Btw.: We have 7 K-PACS workstations connected to a conquest server and it works flawlessly.

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