PACS Store in simple terms

  • Hi
    I wonder is anyone can help, I've tried numerous solutions to a small problem we have, we will soon be loosing a PACS backup and I want to find some form of alternative, I originally looked at myfreepacs as it held a simple web viewer but getting the server and viewer to work was problem some, I then looked at Orthanc, this set up very easy even with my limited server and Dicom experience but the web viewer was not how I would have liked it, I could alter it but making the changes means editing at install, I then realised I should be able to point our current web viewer to it... excellent no re-training users for a "once every few years" usage. this is when ~I found the setup/config for modalities not friendly.
    KPACS web page does not give much info about it overview, so I'm here looking for some answers if you could be kind enough to give them.
    Is Kpacs free to use?
    is it a Dicom Store/server?
    Is it possible to point external web viewers to it?


  • Dear Gary

    Just to answer your three questions:


    Is Kpacs free to use?

    Yes, to anyone who wants to view DICOM images for non-diagnostic purposes.


    is it a Dicom Store/server?

    No, it is a thick-client DICOM viewer. It cannot be queried and used to retrieve images from it.


    Is it possible to point external web viewers to it?

    Depends on what exactly you mean. If the web viewer is run on the computer where K-PACS is installed you could probably integrate an application call into your web viewer to open K-PACS on the system (would require changes in the system's registry), but I don't think that this is the scenario you intend. Otherwise, you cannot use an external application to make use of the K-PACS study table and load the images there into another viewer.

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