the image viewer does not work

  • Hello, I installed K-Pacs 1.6 on a PC running XP SP2. It is able to query dicom images on another server and send them to the treatment planning system. However, I can not view the images in K-pacs. If I select a image set and hit the viewer tab on the left side, it starts to load images (I can see the status bar). However, no image was shown up in the display window, which is all black. In addition, the server status (on the right bottom corner) indicator is always red, meaning that the server is not running.
    Do you know if I missed something in the installation of K-Pacs.

  • Certainly looks like you missed something. If the server component of K-PACS is not running, you can't receive any images via the network and, as a consequence, will not see any images in the viewer.

    There are various reasons why the server component (KPServer.exe) may not start. Here are a few:

    - There are insufficient user rights so that K-PACS is unable to start the server when it it started itself.
    - The port you chose for the server is blocked (e.g. in use by another application).
    - The file paths you chose for the imagebox and/or database do not exist, are not accessible or do not end with a "\".
    - A firewall or anti-virus system blocks the server so that it can't start.

    Check your installation regarding these items. You may also browse this forum. There are quite a few topics that may help you trouble-shoot this behavior.

  • Thank you, Stridde, for your suggestions. I did find a port number conflicting on that PC that I installed K-Pacs. I reinstalled K-PACS on another computer. This time, I got the server status indicator in green all the time. However, my viewer still does not show any images. After I queried the images on another server, I checked the series from the patient list and then hit the viewer tab on the left side. The loading status bar came out with 0%. After one minute (I did not see the percentage in the status bar changing. It stays the same to be 0% all the time) , a black screen came out without any image except the name of the patient and image series showed in a yellow bar with an arrow pointing down.
    Did I not use the viewer correctly ? Do I need to save the images to the imagebox before I can view it ? Can I view the images showing in the patientlist that I queried from a remote server. I do not know how to save images to the K-Pacs imagebox.

    Thank you again


  • The user interaction in general is correct. Selecting a study that was found during a query and loading it into the viewer by pushing the respective button will save the study in the local imagebox. In your case, something seems to be wrong with the configuration. Obviously, the images cannot be retrieved successfully. Check the logs, check the configuration. Alternatively, you can try to send the images from the other station to your K-PACS station and see if that works.

  • Hi,
    I have exactly the same problem, the receive procedure from the server looks great, but after the status going to 100%, the viewing window appear automatically Without any images inside. (OS Windows7 x64)

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