Update 1.4.17d released

  • Hi,

    I am afraid not in the current release. I can think of two mechanisms:

    1) Let Lua call the original CGI handler: if mode=='slice' then dgatecgi('slice') end

    2) pass an array of exceptions

    source = reject.lua
    exceptions = slice,studymover

    Option 2 is easier to implement.


  • Hi Marcel

    Sorry for late response. I tried 2) adding exceptions = zipseries,zipstudy,moveseries,studymover but these mode still don't work.

    I also tried 1) just to test but adding dgatecgi doesn't make difference.

  • hello
    I'm getting following warning when pushing images trough local network to another dicom server: "ReadAheadThread: warning - resolving deadlock due to erratic incoming order"
    I use web interface when pushing images and I accidentally noticed that warning on Conquest GUI Server status tab. I don't know if that happened many times in past and don't know how to replicate that, I just want to know what that warning means and if I have to be worried about it. any information on this would be appreciated. thanks

    my configuration is: conquest 1.4.17.d. windows 7 pro.

  • hello
    sorry for late reply, here it is

    # This file contains configuration information for the DICOM server# Do not edit unless you know what you are doing[sscscp]MicroPACS = sscscpEdition = Personal# Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#MyACRNema = ***********TCPPort = 5678# Reference to other files: known dicom servers; database layout; sopsACRNemaMap = acrnema.mapkFactorFile = dicom.sqlSOPClassList = dgatesop.lst# Host(ignored), name, username and password for ODBC data sourceSQLHost = localhostSQLServer = C:\DicomServer\Data\dbase\conquest.db3Username = Password = SqLite = 1BrowseThroughDBF = 1DoubleBackSlashToDB = 0UseEscapeStringConstants = 0# Configure databaseTruncateFieldNames = 10MaxFieldLength = 254MaxFileNameLength = 255FixPhilips = 0FixKodak = 0KeepAlive = 0LargeFileSizeKB = 500096PrintSquareLandscape = 0UseKpacsDecompression = 1ZipTime = 05:UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.735214.42206675EnableReadAheadThread = 1PatientQuerySortOrder = StudyQuerySortOrder = SeriesQuerySortOrder = ImageQuerySortOrder = EnableComputedFields = 1IndexDBF = 1PackDBF = 0LongQueryDBF = 1000TCPIPTimeOut = 300FailHoldOff = 60RetryDelay = 100RetryForwardFailed = 0ImportExportDragAndDrop = 1QueueSize = 128WorkListMode = 0WorkListReturnsISO_IR_100 = 1DebugLevel = 4Prefetcher = 0LRUSort = AllowTruncate = DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1UseBuiltInJPEG = 1LossyQuality = 95IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors = 0NoDICOMCheck = 0PadAEWithZeros = 0AllowEmptyPatientID = 0FileNameSyntax = 4# Configuration of compression for incoming images and archivalDroppedFileCompression = ujIncomingCompression = ujArchiveCompression = as# Names of the database tablesPatientTableName = DICOMPatientsStudyTableName = DICOMStudiesSeriesTableName = DICOMSeriesImageTableName = DICOMImagesWorkListTableName = DICOMWorkListDMarkTableName = DICOMAccessUpdatesRegisteredMOPDeviceTable = RegisteredMOPIDsUIDToMOPIDTable = UIDToMOPIDUIDToCDRIDTable = UIDToCDRID# Banner and host for debug informationPACSName = ***********OperatorConsole = Configure email of error messagesMailHost = MailPort = smtpMailSignon = MailFromName = MailRcptName1 = MailCollectTime = 1MailWaitTime = 10# Configuration of disk(s) to store imagesMAGDeviceThreshhold = 0MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30IgnoreMAGDeviceThreshold = 0MAGDevices = 1MAGDevice0 = D:\studybkp\NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0# Configuration of mirror disk(s)MIRRORDevices = 1MIRRORDevice0 = g:\studybkp\

    also it fails to retry mirror copy for some reason. I have mirror drive attached by USB which got disconnected from power accidentally for a day and after I powered mirror drive conquest GUI asked to retry to copy failed images on mirror drive I clicked yes and nothing happened, than I added new images to server and gives this error:

    Queue: retrying processing of file D:\studybkp\SADIQUE05062014W\
    ***Writing mirror copy failed: g:\studybkp\SADIQUE05062014W\

    so than I moved CopyFailures file to other folder so conquest can't see it and everything starts working ok again, so I wanted to know why retry function doesn't work? am I missing something in config file? thanks

  • Hello Marcel
    I'm facing another problem which I'm sure not ConQuest bug and I'm trying to find if there is any solution for that.
    our main server is located in the NYC area where internet lines were damaged by super storm sandy and some areas are still not fully recovered and issue I have is loosing internet for a moment which causes MyEntunnel on the forwarding computer to lose connection and meanwhile it reconnects fails to forward images. I do have RetryForwardFailed = 1 in dicom.ini but I don't see it doing retries. so am I missing something in config? or how to configure it to do retry forwarding of failed images up until it goes trough? or maybe there is a way conquest to ping server and once it comes online retry failed images?
    thanks for your help

  • this is how I have it:
    # Configuration of rules to modify, log or reject incoming DICOM slices
    ImportConverter0 = forward to **********

    ForwardCollectDelay = 6000
    RetryForwardFailed = 1
    MaximumExportRetries = 3
    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 3

    so should I use Exportconverter insted?


  • hello
    so I did it as you suggested and it doesn't forward anything :?
    ExportConverter0 = forward to ********

    ForwardAssociationLevel = SERIES
    ForwardCollectDelay = 5000
    RetryForwardFailed = 1
    MaximumExportRetries = 3
    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 3

  • oh yea ExportConverters=1 I had ExportConverter=1 without "s" anyway now it works thanks!
    which one I have to set it so it will repeat forwarding endlessly up until it's all forwarded successfully?

  • From the manual:

    When an export fails, exports on that converter are blocked for 60 s (=FailHoldOff); while 100 s
    (=RetryDelay) after the last failure they will be automatically retried based on data stored in files like
    ‘ExportFailures5678_0’ (where 5678=port number, 0=converter number). These files may sometimes
    need to be deleted (the GUI asks so at startup) to stop endless retries or limit the number of retries by
    setting MaximumExportRetriesother than 0.

    MaximumExportRetries. If other than 0, exportconverters give up after this number of retries,
    default 0. Conquest addition.

    RetryForwardFailed. If this flag is set, any failed forward will be retried. Default it is is NOT
    set, to avoid endless retries. However, setting it to 1 avoids losing one image in case a server
    dies in the middle of a C-STORE. Conquest addition. NOTE: THIS MAKE THE RETRY MORE 'AGRESSIVE'.


  • hello
    another issue that I'm facing and can't resolve it myself:
    ***Inconsistent PatientBir in DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'AZU052914DE.CAR' StudyInsta = '', ************************************
    [*********] ***Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'AZU052914DE.CAR' StudyInsta = '', Old='AZU052914CP.CAR', Refused='AZU052914DE.CAR'
    [*********] ***Error saving to SQL: AZU052914DE_CAR\
    [*********] ***[AddImageFile] Error entering object into server: C:\DicomServer\data\incoming\IMAGES\000042
    [*********] ***Inconsistent PatientBir in DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'AZU052914DE.CAR' StudyInsta = '', ****************************
    [*********] ***Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'AZU052914DE.CAR' StudyInsta = '', Old='AZU052914CP.CAR', Refused='AZU052914DE.CAR'
    [*********] ***Error saving to SQL: AZU052914DE_CAR\
    [*********] ***[AddImageFile] Error entering object into server: C:\DicomServer\data\incoming\IMAGES\000043

    I don't understand because of inconsistent D.O.B it is merging with different patient or what is it trying to do? or what exactly is causing this error and how can I fix it? this happened before too and keeps happening.

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