1.4.17 release out

  • hi,

    dgate -pport -qip --movepatient:CONQUESTSRV2,CONQUESTSRV1,R1009
    Move failed from CONQUESTSRV2 to CONQUESTSRV1

    No success. by using Hamachi. Computer server in office and computer in home as if local network. but upload and download DICOM slow....
    is there a better way bisides use hamachi.


    google translate........

    picture :

    conquestsrv1 (no ip public) ----------> ip public ----- port forward to ----------- > server in office (ip local)

  • hi Marcell

    1. How to use DVW?
    2. I've done the same with the tutorial. But there is an error
    RequestError : An error accured while retrieving the file: (http)0.

    debug CONQUESTSRV1
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 7359: STARTED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:46:08 2014
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV1] (StudyRootQuery) search level: SERIES
    [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Find (StudyRoot) located 162 records
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 7359: ENDED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:46:08 2014
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 7361: STARTED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:46:08 2014
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV1] (StudyRootQuery) search level: IMAGE
    [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Find (StudyRoot) located 3270 records
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 7361: ENDED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:46:08 2014

    I Use Chrome in Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1"

    3. if Mozilla in PC no image. But view DVW. Debug CONQUESTSRV1

    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 4088: STARTED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:43:53 2014
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV1] (StudyRootQuery) search level: SERIES
    [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Find (StudyRoot) located 162 records
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 4088: ENDED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:43:53 2014
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 4090: STARTED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:43:53 2014
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSRV1 "
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV1] (StudyRootQuery) search level: IMAGE
    [CONQUESTSRV1] C-Find (StudyRoot) located 3270 records
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 4090: ENDED AT: Fri Apr 04 00:43:54 2014


  • Hi,

    MicroPACS = sscscp

    Tempdir = c:\temp

    # database layout (copy dicom.sql to the web server script directory or point to the one in your dicom server directory)

    kFactorFile = c:\dicomserver\dicom.sql
    TruncateFieldNames = 10

    # gives access to the SQL server of the DICOM server
    # use of independent database is also allowed (depends on scripts used)

    SQLServer = c:\dicomserver\data\dbase\conquest.db3
    SQlite = 1

    # gives access to all DICOM servers known in acrnema.map

    ACRNemaMap = C:\dicomserver\acrnema.map
    Dictionary = C:\dicomserver\dgate.dic

    # default IP address and port of DICOM server (may be non-local, web pages empty if wrong)

    WebServerFor =
    TCPPort = 5678

    # AE title: only used if web client originates queries or moves


    # path to script engine: ocx will not download images if wrong - shows as black square with controls
    # for wamp: dgate.exe runs if it is put in C:\wamp\Apache2\cgi-bin

    WebScriptAddress =

    # web or local location of ActiveFormProj1.ocx for download (include trailing / or \)
    # the activeX control will not download if wrong or security too high - shows as white square with red x
    # note: it only needs to be registered by the client, not the server!
    # for wamp: the ocx canNOT be in C:\wamp\Apache2\cgi-bin, I put it in c:\wamp\www (above cgi-bin)
    # - the default value is derived from WebScriptAddress

    #WebCodeBase =

    # if set to 1 (default), the web user cannot edit databases and (in future) other things
    # webpush enables push of data to other servers

    WebReadonly = 0
    WebPush = 1

    # this is an optional virtual directory used to http: all images from mag0
    # this entry is experimental and unused except for viewer=seriesviewer2
    # in this mode (only) ocx will not download images if wrong - shows as black square with
    # controls - the default value is derived from WebScriptAddress

    #WebMAG0Address =

    # excerpt from C:\wamp\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf required for WebMAG0Address (un-# there)
    # or use the wamp traybar menu to create the alias

    #Alias /mag0/ "c:/dicomserver/data/"
    #<Directory "c:/dicomserver/data">
    # Options Indexes MultiViews
    # AllowOverride None
    # Order allow,deny
    # Allow from all

    # these settings control size of slice and series viewers, max size of transmitted dicom images
    # (0=original), compression for images sent to the activex (may be un,n1..4,j1,j2), the size of
    # the icons in the image list, the image type used for icons and slice display, and the dgate
    # mode containing the viewer (may be seriesviewer, seriesviewer2, noviewer, serversideviewer,
    # or aiviewer - java code of the latter not included with 1.4.14).
    # note: all items require at least one space left and right of the '=' !

    size = 560
    dsize = 0
    compress = un
    iconsize = 48
    graphic = gif
    viewer = serversideviewer
    studyviewer = dwv

    # enter address (up to not including the ?) of the WADO server for each DICOM AE listed
    # the sample (for AE TESTWADOSRV) comes from the DICOM standard and is not valid
    # the default is the local conquest server (which could use virtualservers as WADO bridge)
    # These WADO entries are used in 'list .... on ....'

    TESTWADOSRV = http://www.hospital-stmarco/radiology/wado.php

    # Here are scripted series viewers: ImageJA, dwv, flexviewer (=aiviewer), weasis
    # And one scripted study viewer: studyweasis

    source = viewers\imagejaviewer.cq

    source = viewers\dwv.lua

    source = viewers\flexviewer.lua

    source = viewers\LaunchWeasis.cq
    header = Content-Type: application/x-java-jnlp-file\

    source = viewers\LaunchWeasisStudy.cq
    header = Content-Type: application/x-java-jnlp-file\

    source = viewers\weasisseriesxml.lua

    source = viewers\weasisstudyxml.lua

    # These entries enable the OpenClinica - Conquest interface

    # default
    source = *.lua



    # Below here are all samples with no clear functionality

    # Here are some sample web pages to show how scripting works
    # this creates web page http://xxxxx/cgi-bin/dgate.exe?mode=sample

    variable = sample 1
    source = samples\sample.cq

    # this creates web page http://xxxxx/cgi-bin/dgate.exe?mode=sample2
    # This sample posts a file
    # Note: in the header parameter newline is written as \

    variable = sample 2
    header= Content-type: text/html\Cache-Control: no-cache\
    line0 = <HEAD><TITLE>Conquest DICOM server - %variable%</TITLE></HEAD>
    line1 = <BODY BGCOLOR='CFDFCF'>
    line2 = <H2>Conquest DICOM server - %query_string%</H2>
    line3 = <FORM ACTION="dgate.exe" METHOD=POST ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
    line4 = <INPUT NAME=mode TYPE=HIDDEN VALUE=soaprequest>
    line5 = <INPUT NAME=port TYPE=HIDDEN VALUE=5678>
    line6 = <INPUT NAME=address TYPE=HIDDEN VALUE=>
    line7 = Upload file to enter into server (dcm/v2/HL7/zip/7z/gz/tar): <INPUT NAME=filetoupload SIZE=40 TYPE=file VALUE=>
    line9 = </FORM>
    line10 = </BODY>

    # this creates a web page scripted in lua http://xxxxx/cgi-bin/dgate.exe?mode=sample3

    #source = samples\sample3.lua

    # these entries create an experimental SOAP interface scripted in lua

    source = soap\wsdl.xml
    header = Content-type: text/xml\

    source = soap\soaprequest.lua

    # these entries create an experimental JSON interface scripted in lua

    source = json\json_sample.html
    header = Content-type: text/html\Cache-Control: no-cache\

    source = json\jsonrequest.lua

    # these entries create a simple eCRF interface
    # ..?mode=studyfinder&dest=CONQUESTSRV1&key=afc0501:baseline&query==2040XXXX

    # creates SQL database and enters information
    source = ecrf\markstudyseries.lua
    caption= Select for submission

    source = ecrf\markstudyseries.lua
    caption= Select for submission

    # show SQL database and selects processing
    source = ecrf\shoppingcart.lua
    caption= Process selected data

    # process information
    source = ecrf\ecrfprocess.lua

    # new query form
    source = ecrf\queryforecrf.lua


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