window levels

  • I downloaded V9.5 ( great job you ve done ) and tried it out.
    There is one problem, at least at my computer.
    The default window levels as in the older versions will not apperar.
    When viewing a ct scan of the spine for example, I can change the window range, but only in this image, the other images of the serie still are not affected.
    Same, when I predefine window levels by myself.
    Could you check this?


  • P.S.
    i made an installation on an xp- machine, there all images will be affected when changing the levels ( width and center ).
    But the predifined levels as in the older versions won t appear ether.

  • P.S
    i ve as well an older installation running , so I ll post the predefined settings for just in case ( w=width , c=center )

    mediastinum w300 c50
    brain stem w130 c50
    scull bone w3500 c1000
    lung w1400 c400
    abdomen w350 c50
    skeletal bones w1800 c800

    hope it will help somebody and you can add it manually.

  • Exaktly, in the older version you had predefined window levels ( lung mediastinum and so on ). and they popped up, when looking for the wanted level.
    But I did it manually, its not a great bug.

  • Yes, thats it.
    I copied the windows.txt from the older installation in the new installed k-pacs folder and it appears like in the older versions.
    so when making an upgrading, the guys here should save the windows.txt file and then copying it back in the new installation folder, if they can t wait for the bug fix.


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