IQview 2.5 crash

  • I have upgraded iqview from 2.1 to 2.5
    When i close a study, IQview frequently crash with blank screen and i cannot close the program, i have to reboot the workstation.
    I use graphic card : PNY Nvidia quadro NVS440.
    Conflict between this graphic card and iqview?

    Thank you

  • Upgrading from 2.1 to 2.5 make me a similar problem.

    Iq 2.5 self-close whitout errors neithe notification: simply close all windows. The 2.1 version dont'have this "bug".
    This on five pc (2 type of hardware configuration).

  • A patch version of iQ-View 2.5 is in pre-release state. It will correct some issues with the latest release including some windows messaging/memory management problems that might cause crashes like this. Official release date will be 29.08.08 but we might publish it earlier. Frequently check our download section for 2.5b


  • Hi larc,

    we lately detected the reason for the occasionally occuring crashes but it was to late to inlcude this fix into the 2.5b version. Therefore we will release a 2.5c version soon. It is already in pre-release testing phase. If you are interested, I could send you the pre-release version for verification that the crash issue is fixed.

    What do you mean with the Conquest compression issue? Could you specify it a little more?


  • The "first" configured conquest have the image compression set to JPEG Lossless. We found a bug with this compression on some type of images ( reported in Conquest's forum area ). Now, also for performance, we not compress images on the server, but zip them on the backup NAS.

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