DICOM Move Error:Remote DICOM error

  • At last I am able to connect to my MRI and see the patient list. But the problem begins when I try to copy images I get an error:

    DICOM Move Error:Remote DICOM error

    what could be the problem thanks!!!

  • Hi,

    your scanner probably does not accept the C-MOVE. You may not be correctly known to the MRI or you may be using an unsupported query. You could selecting a studyroot query from the sropdown list in the query page.


  • I am having the same problem when trying to send studies from Conquest to a Philips MR System Archiva Release 2007-09-28.

    C-Move from Philips to Conquest works fine. However when going the other way we get a C-Move error.

    If anyone uses Philips MR with Conquest can they give some input as to specifics Philips might need.

    Thank You


  • Hi
    We have this problem betweeen Conquest and a Vitrea WS.
    We changes AE titles IPs etc. it still isnt working either way..very strange....
    Toshiba techs have no idea, Vital Images tech says ist a Conquest problem and he doenst really care - althour every other WS with different software works fine with CQ.
    very annoying I have to admitt

  • Hi!
    i have a similar problem when trying to retrieve studies from GE Centricity. I have configured the Conquest node correctly in Centricity. query works fine, but when trying to copy to destination I get DICOM Move Error:Remote DICOM error. Sending from Centricity to my Conquest node works perfectly. with another application (EFilm) configured identically as the Conquest instance (AET, port number, IP) retrieving works perfectly as well.

    i used a DICOM sniffer and found this error: MOVE_REQUEST_IMPROPERLY_FORMATED.

    does anybody know what is the problem and how can i fix it?


  • yes it did. double clicking on Series number enables query by Study/Series UID. first i needed to query by patient ID (or name); a list of studies appeared, with associated Study UIDs. then i copied the Study UID from the left window in the Study UID query field and the pressed the Copy button.

    thanks a lot.

  • Hello Marcel,
    Can I move studies from the command line in linux version. I am trying to migrate all the data base and images from this version to another dicom server. Can you tell me waht the command would look like. I can do this with the windows version but often get failures in data transfer. We have a lacie NAS with 1.3 Tb used out of 2 Tb. Almost all the studies are MRI.

  • Hi,

    you sure can, these are the dgate options to use (version 1.4.14):

    DICOM move options:
    --movepatient:source,dest,patid Move patient, source e.g. (local)
    --movestudy:source,dest,patid:studyuid Move study, patid: optional
    --movestudies:source,dest,date(range) Move studies on date
    --moveseries:source,dest,patid:seruid Move series patid: optional


  • Hello Marcel,
    Thank you. This has been most helpful. I have found an interesting problem whilst copying images across to the new server which has far more appropriate configuration. I found a recurring memory problem where D-gate attempts to use memory which is not allocated to it. have you encountered this before?
    King regards

  • Hi Here is the error message whilst copying 74 cases from on server to the other (19740 MRI slices),
    Sending file : /mnt/dicomdata/43373-/
    Image Loaded from Read Ahead Thread, returning TRUE
    ***VR:ReAlloc out of memory allocating -536805378 bytes

    MyPatientRootRetrieveGeneric :: RetrieveOn
    ***A fatal error occurred (out of memory) - closing server

    Thanks for the info
    I will try it out.

  • Hi Marcel,
    I think you are correct. The problem has been reproducible. I suspect there are likely to be a number of corrupted Dicom files. Is there any way the the server can skip though a corrupted file or better still isolate that file in an exception list and transfer the remain files instead of crashing? The file can then be managed separately.
    Just a though.

    Again Thanks for all the help.


  • Hi!
    i also have a problem when trying to retrieve studies from GE Centricity. Query and copy of all data from a patient works fine, but when trying to copy for example only a serie or a single image to destination I get DICOM Move Error:Remote DICOM error.
    The tip double "click on the series number label of the query/move page" did'nt help. And how to do the following? There is no Study UID query field in Conquest or
    Thanks for any help.

    Quote from mpetruc

    yes it did. double clicking on Series number enables query by Study/Series UID. first i needed to query by patient ID (or name); a list of studies appeared, with associated Study UIDs. then i copied the Study UID from the left window in the Study UID query field and the pressed the Copy button.

    thanks a lot.

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